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RE:Grave ramifications for India
by PP Y on Dec 29, 2007 10:22 AM

If my knowledge of hindu mythology is right then there were 20something avataar's of vishnu, most of them Rama and krishna led armies. Krishna was main instigator of a war between brothers which lead to death of 5.2 million soldiers in 18 days. Similarly Rama, Parsurama all were warriors, now what u say bout that. Shankracharya killed budhists and drove them out of the country, what is your opinion on that. I am not supporting violence but there is always other side to the coin.And how come you forget Chanakya's Sham Daam Dand Ved. By reading your views over here i can see the terrorist hidden inside you. How you defend the torching of churches in Orisaa, 1984 riots, Bombay Riots, GUjrat rights, meerut rights.......who is behind them. Yeah,they were hindus. But i wont go to the extent of saying that hinduism is the reason behind that. And b4 you go guessing my religion from my initials, i just wanna tell you i'm an atheist NRI

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Pak terror likely to spill over to India