After this sentence, i just wonder what's the actual meaning of law of land and punishment. Law is made to act as a deterent and punishment is like repenting on one deeds. In dutts case i feel like there is a oppotunity lost, as today he is changed and also not a threat to the society as such. But taking into account that one has to pay for his deeds, there can be an alternate punishment. He could be given a punishment toget committed to the socitey. He should be given a task like to raise a big amount of the tune of 30-50 crore in a fixed period of time and use that amount in changing the lifes of the poor or down trodden. Like making houses, schools and hospitals. GIven dutts statoury this could have been done. I respect the law of the land but remember this is the land of valmiki as well. Now putting dutt in jail is not benefitting anyone. but keeping him out and using him for a good cause would have benefitted many more.
RE:Opportunity Lost
by Keyur Patel on Aug 02, 2007 09:11 AM Permalink
I love Sanju on Screen.But that does not mean I can put him above any ordianry citizen of India. He is no different. If our judicial system will have such provision of customized punishments, do you think Sanju could have changed. Anyone who committs the crime must be punished. Think about the official toll of 295 people killed in 93 blasts. Do you really think that he did not aobut this blast conspiracy beforehand. He is friends with bloody Terrorists like Dawood. He should have been hung. I really admire those people who really worked hard to put Sanju behind bars.
RE:Opportunity Lost
by rakesh somani on Aug 01, 2007 10:25 PM Permalink
i think u r right and law should not too hard for a person like sanju. frm my point of view every person has right to protect himself or his faimly. court should look sanju matter carefully bcoz his father was gr8 humain being ..not only father but whole faimly. court will chng thr mind soon my best wishesh with sanju
RE:Opportunity Lost
by Sandeep on Aug 02, 2007 12:32 AM Permalink
Kumar, it is very easy to talk from cozy comfort and safety of house/office. If you have ever seen mobs running amok, you will quickly see why you would need a big deterant. I saw it during Delhi riots and man you just feel a tiny helpless person.
RE:RE:Opportunity Lost
by M Kamal on Aug 01, 2007 10:37 PM Permalink
Well I was going through all the posts / messages... found some Pro... some Anti.... But somehow in each of them I could feel a bais. Why ?????
Please think...
1 ) How is the Muslim angle involved in this perticular judgement ?
2 ) Do any terrorist have a religion ? Their activities hurt everyone ? Why do we always forget that ?
3 ) For 12 long years Sanjay has suffured by having the TADA charge upon them, where as initially itself after police investigations they should have been booked under arms act.
4 ) Was it only Sanjay Dutt who used to attend parties hosted by gangsters ? If my memory serves me right every film star used to be there in those days.
5 ) Last but not the least laws are made to decipline people and punishments to reform and deter, but not to destroy life. I would have appriciated if a community service judgement would have been delivered. Its a know fact that jails are breeding ground for criminals.
I wish my countrymen start thinking in terms that WE are INDIANS ONLY..... Not MUSLIMS.... Not HINDUS.... Not CHRISTIANS.... We are INDIANS first.... Religion is a personal choice, There are criminals in every religion but do they have a religion ? Do they follow GOD ?
RE:Opportunity Lost
by M Kamal on Aug 01, 2007 11:12 PM Permalink
My Dear friend a law is made to reform and deter people from crime.... but when most of the Indian laws were written we were still slaves to the British... The Laws were made to rule us... to terroirize us.... to enslave us...
The day we got our freedom we should have discarded those law books and made something that was people friendly.... But our great forefathers who were educated in Britain... Who were impressed by it.... Who followed its culture, just accepted all the Law books that were written to ENSALVE INDIANS....
Our forefathers failed.... My dear friend and we are paying a price for it...
RE:Opportunity Lost
by Shabbir Jadliwala on Aug 01, 2007 08:55 PM Permalink
I do agree with you that a good person is behind the bars. If at all he was to be put behind bars, it would have been in 94 if not 93. After such a long time, he is a different person altogther.
And worse is the case ran so long and most of the accused who were given punishment were allowed to go around free for 15 odd years and commit more such crimes.
Hope to have justice done more quickly if not in days, then atleast in months but not in 15 years.
RE:Opportunity Lost
by abcd on Aug 01, 2007 10:21 PM Permalink
There have been cases where murderers and criminals have been caught and punished after decades. You can not commit a crime and wait for case to go for ever and then say, I was bad 13 years ago, I am a nice person now.
Sanjay Dutt has commited a crime and he deserves punishment. What shocks me the most is that, Sanjay was involved in some shape or form in the blasts that killed some many people. How can he be involved in the such an act.
He should in Jail for ever, till he breaths his last. No leneancy because he is an actor.
RE:Opportunity Lost
by on Aug 02, 2007 01:20 AM Permalink
i dont agree with you at all, if a person you have committed a crime in past and changed(mark my words, the crime is not that intense) and can now be used to change the lives of n number of people then y not make that compulsory to do that. We live in a country where there are so many people who needs upliftment. I think it we all should change are way of thinking and think in terms of other people as well.
RE:Opportunity Lost
by on Aug 02, 2007 06:12 AM Permalink
How do we know that he or anyone for that matter changed without a reasonable doubt? Sanju got 6yrs due to the nature of the crime he commited. Punishment totally depends on the kind of crime you do. Thats the job of law to make sure every criminal gets some sort of punishment. Just because he played nice roles doesn't make him a changed person per say. I'm sure many of us feel sorry for him after seeing him play better roles.
RE:Opportunity Lost
by abcd on Aug 01, 2007 10:09 PM Permalink
There have been cases where murderers and criminals have been caught and punished after decades. You can not commit a crime and wait for case to go for ever and then say, I was bad 13 years ago, I am a nice person now.
Sanjay Dutt has commited a crime and he deserves punishment. What shocks me the most is that, Sanjay was involved in some shape or form in the blasts that killed some many people. How can he be involved in the such an act.
He should in Jail for ever, till he breaths his last. No leneancy because he is an actor.