After this sentence, i just wonder what's the actual meaning of law of land and punishment. Law is made to act as a deterent and punishment is like repenting on one deeds. In dutts case i feel like there is a oppotunity lost, as today he is changed and also not a threat to the society as such. But taking into account that one has to pay for his deeds, there can be an alternate punishment. He could be given a punishment toget committed to the socitey. He should be given a task like to raise a big amount of the tune of 30-50 crore in a fixed period of time and use that amount in changing the lifes of the poor or down trodden. Like making houses, schools and hospitals. GIven dutts statoury this could have been done. I respect the law of the land but remember this is the land of valmiki as well. Now putting dutt in jail is not benefitting anyone. but keeping him out and using him for a good cause would have benefitted many more.