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RE:RE:Opportunity Lost
by M Kamal on Aug 01, 2007 10:37 PM

Well I was going through all the posts / messages... found some Pro... some Anti.... But somehow in each of them I could feel a bais. Why ?????

Please think...

1 ) How is the Muslim angle involved in this perticular judgement ?

2 ) Do any terrorist have a religion ? Their activities hurt everyone ? Why do we always forget that ?

3 ) For 12 long years Sanjay has suffured by having the TADA charge upon them, where as initially itself after police investigations they should have been booked under arms act.

4 ) Was it only Sanjay Dutt who used to attend parties hosted by gangsters ? If my memory serves me right every film star used to be there in those days.

5 ) Last but not the least laws are made to decipline people and punishments to reform and deter, but not to destroy life. I would have appriciated if a community service judgement would have been delivered. Its a know fact that jails are breeding ground for criminals.

I wish my countrymen start thinking in terms that WE are INDIANS ONLY..... Not MUSLIMS.... Not HINDUS.... Not CHRISTIANS.... We are INDIANS first.... Religion is a personal choice, There are criminals in every religion but do they have a religion ? Do they follow GOD ?

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Sanjay Dutt's first day in jail