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Kind attention Mr. Kaneria
by Arjun Kumar on Nov 23, 2007 10:48 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Dont think about winning over India in India especially in firozshah kotlah.You cant even bat well.See your first innings total.if ur Misbah has not played that brilliant knock, ur entire Pakis would have been all out by 160.

You please note that Kumble and harbhajan ar world clas bowlers.You dont jave the standards of a street spinner.then ur dreams only will be there.Ypu are not going to win any test in India.U see.

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  RE:Kind attention Mr. Kaneria
by Proud Paki on Nov 23, 2007 10:58 PM   Permalink
go back and visit the last series in India.
Mr Arjun Ko Maar zoor say!

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  RE:RE:Kind attention Mr. Kaneria
by robin on Nov 23, 2007 11:04 PM   Permalink
mr. proud paki
( why would u be proud to be a paki??) u not have web sites in pakistan that u can write on??

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  RE:Kind attention Mr. Kaneria
by deepak PV on Nov 23, 2007 11:31 PM   Permalink
Pakis are still writing using slate and pencil..

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  RE:Kind attention Mr. Kaneria
by Ranjeet Gupta on Nov 24, 2007 01:00 AM   Permalink
abe pencil nahin chalk ..

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  RE:Kind attention Mr. Kaneria
by Kabir D on Nov 24, 2007 02:23 AM   Permalink
Bon Jovi:

but Sharjah suff doesn't pinch like worldcup results, at least based on recent statements from Miandad et al.! sharajah results are very much debatable [courtesy: Azhu bai fiasco]

Nevertheless, other than cricket Pakistan has to take care of other stuff at home ...that is more important than these winning and loosing!

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  RE:Kind attention Mr. Kaneria
by Yaqoot Mir on Nov 24, 2007 02:55 AM   Permalink
Correction my Friend:

FACT: Per capita more people in Pakistan use computers than India.

FACT: Access to the internet per Capita is higher in Pakistan than it is in India.

FACT: Per capita, more Pakistanis own personal computers than Indians.

Stop the self grandeur my freind, in the latest UN report on general wellness of citizens, Pakistan ranks 76th, India ranks 126th among nations?

Dream ON my freind DREAM on!

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  RE:Kind attention Mr. Kaneria
by Kabir D on Nov 24, 2007 03:47 AM   Permalink
sorry! I am not talking about the facts you listed- computers, per capita, et al!
I am talking about the present status of pakistan - take care of Musharaff and all the CHAOS going through in Pakistan!
Then ONLY come on these Indian websites and talk!
Air your views on Pakistan and the present status on your Pakistan websites WITH the computers you are using ....and THEN teach us!

Dream your reality that you are about to face with Musharaf and Benazir ...all......

you folks luv to come on indian websites and write! Great NOTHING wrong with that! But think of taking care of your HOME FIRST and then worry about us!

why don't you spend some time on writing and solving your country issues! Let me guess! you will be in JAIL for expressing views!!!!

come on! go back to your websites and rant about how good you are!!!

if you are that good why are you coming on Indian websites!!!

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  RE:Kind attention Mr. Kaneria
by JonBonJovi on Nov 24, 2007 07:56 AM   Permalink
for mr asf asdf:
man Danish Kaneria is a hindu from sindh playing in pakistani team! so his religion as as like urs! get to know somethings before commenting! when u cant talk abt stats u turn to political situation! lol talk abt cricket!

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  RE:Kind attention Mr. Kaneria
by asf asdf on Nov 24, 2007 07:16 AM   Permalink
mr. kaneria,

I like to know why alcohol is not allowed in your religion?


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  RE:RE:Kind attention Mr. Kaneria
by vikram on Nov 24, 2007 05:06 AM   Permalink
hello mr yakoot,ur the terrorist nation we know.stop ur stats and facts.when compared to ur terrorist nation our nation is too huge.we can throunce u any second.well even a state army over here can defeat ur nation.baap re general wellnes.we see how well ur nation is.ur ass musharaff and bhutto.all hypocrites eating out ur country which has nothing anyways.why people from pakistan take shelter in india for name and fame example meera nusrat adnan.u say ur country is better then why r they in india man.un is out of its mind.ur nation is full of hypocrites and ur religion wotn allow ur nation to prosper.polygamy,ur women have no rights,cant get out of their burkah,ur men can have multiple partners but nothing else is allowed out there,no freedom for woman beyond their burkah.go look at urself then talk about india.anyways dont worry u pakis will be throunced 3-0.

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  RE:RE:Kind attention Mr. Kaneria
by JonBonJovi on Nov 24, 2007 08:06 AM   Permalink
I thout u was a reasonable man to talk to but its useless! are u well oreinted in time and space? what are we talking about? this forum is cricket! if politics then indian politics had been more dirtier than pak! gandhi killed rajiv blown indira blown sikh riots gujarat riots babri demolition kashmir crisis! now abt cricket sharjah and azhar arent related ok! azhar then wasnt a captain he became capt in 1990 before 1986 u use to win there,but after that SIX that still haunts u u lost everything and for excuse u stopped goin there!pinch? lol u were pinched that u stopped goin there not us!now what ever u loose u attribute it to fixing!lol if azhar was fixing was he god of cric that only he was influencing alone?thats a lame excuse!pak has won more matches in india m=beating u in ur own home grounds! WC india won credit goes to them,but after t20 won dont hype ur self that ur something!u still are behind pak way back in stats! present pak team a young outfit if made indian big guns run for their money then imagine the same side in a year! by then ur big guns will be gone!
SO KEEP IT TO CRICKET for politics u have blogs come there will talk there!But for ur own defense mechanism dont start blabbering what ever comes in ur mind! keep to the point!

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  RE:Kind attention Mr. Kaneria
by JonBonJovi on Nov 24, 2007 12:38 AM   Permalink
and beating india 66 to 43 in ODI and 12 to 8 in tests! better slates than the bhindi plates LOL

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  RE:Kind attention Mr. Kaneria
by JonBonJovi on Nov 24, 2007 12:55 AM   Permalink
like india had no clue how to win against pak at sharjah that they stopped going there!

I second ur thouts abt negs and pos!

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  RE:Kind attention Mr. Kaneria
by Kabir D on Nov 24, 2007 08:52 AM   Permalink
hello BonJovi:

thanks for filling in the details of India!
Oh! yes, in India, we have lots of problems that we are not proud of and also we have some that are going to take ages to reconstruct..

Being reasonable IS very relative isn't it?
..the fact is that you folks come on REDIFF and write responses to some of the idiotic text indians write! Look what PROUD PAKI wrote above! yeah! it's a fact what he has written and how did end that sentence though!!
That means you folks VISIT Indian websites often and spend good amount of time in browsing Indian sites and provoke each other! So what are you guys trying to prove on Indian websites!!

Thank REDIFF for airing your thought provoking facts! and hatred for each other!!
Yeah! sure! we are way behind your country in Stats ...but it seems me to that you guys are very insecure that you keep visiting and provoking in these websites!
Instead spend quality time on your country's issues, especially on Pakistan team's upcoming tours!

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  RE:Kind attention Mr. Kaneria
by Kabir D on Nov 24, 2007 12:52 AM   Permalink
...but looks like they still have no clue about winning against India in World Cup!!

se Bo Jonvi, everyone has his/her positives and negatives!!

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Dhoni's wicket was crucial: Kaneria