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RE:Kind attention Mr. Kaneria
by Kabir D on Nov 24, 2007 03:47 AM

sorry! I am not talking about the facts you listed- computers, per capita, et al!
I am talking about the present status of pakistan - take care of Musharaff and all the CHAOS going through in Pakistan!
Then ONLY come on these Indian websites and talk!
Air your views on Pakistan and the present status on your Pakistan websites WITH the computers you are using ....and THEN teach us!

Dream your reality that you are about to face with Musharaf and Benazir ...all......

you folks luv to come on indian websites and write! Great NOTHING wrong with that! But think of taking care of your HOME FIRST and then worry about us!

why don't you spend some time on writing and solving your country issues! Let me guess! you will be in JAIL for expressing views!!!!

come on! go back to your websites and rant about how good you are!!!

if you are that good why are you coming on Indian websites!!!

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Dhoni's wicket was crucial: Kaneria