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RE:RE:Kind attention Mr. Kaneria
by JonBonJovi on Nov 24, 2007 08:06 AM

I thout u was a reasonable man to talk to but its useless! are u well oreinted in time and space? what are we talking about? this forum is cricket! if politics then indian politics had been more dirtier than pak! gandhi killed rajiv blown indira blown sikh riots gujarat riots babri demolition kashmir crisis! now abt cricket sharjah and azhar arent related ok! azhar then wasnt a captain he became capt in 1990 before 1986 u use to win there,but after that SIX that still haunts u u lost everything and for excuse u stopped goin there!pinch? lol u were pinched that u stopped goin there not us!now what ever u loose u attribute it to fixing!lol if azhar was fixing was he god of cric that only he was influencing alone?thats a lame excuse!pak has won more matches in india m=beating u in ur own home grounds! WC india won credit goes to them,but after t20 won dont hype ur self that ur something!u still are behind pak way back in stats! present pak team a young outfit if made indian big guns run for their money then imagine the same side in a year! by then ur big guns will be gone!
SO KEEP IT TO CRICKET for politics u have blogs come there will talk there!But for ur own defense mechanism dont start blabbering what ever comes in ur mind! keep to the point!

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Dhoni's wicket was crucial: Kaneria