I think the punishment given to sanjay Dutt is not justified. No doubt as per the evidences, he had commited crime. But keeping in mind his social behaviour and the duties that he has discahrged towards the society during his bail tenure, he should be sentenced with minimum punishment.
RE:Punishment for Sanjay Dutt is Harsh.
by dinu on Aug 22, 2007 04:40 PM Permalink
so any hardcore criminals can easily comeout from jail by social service at least 3 months or more
Ok there has been a post on this website using my name. I would like to inform you that that person is Misusing my name and i find that to be a cowardly atempt at using my name. He/She does not express my views regarding this matter. I would like to be silent regarding my views. I would hope that the coward stops misusing my name.
I am having my own doubts that the Great MP might have used his SON for these Arms and to protect his immage, he might have used his SON for such hiding.
Sanajy Dutt did a big mistake so he has to suffer for his punishment. Sanjay dutt got very less as compared to others. He should not be release from TADA charges.His lawyer had consumed a long time to make the whole case that why he is free from TADA. The Funishment should be More than 6 years. I hope & Pray to Might GOD the Supereme Court will keep the same Or give More than this Punishment to Sanjay Dutt.
Today I have gone through the whole case for any thing that makes me feel that Sanjay Dutt has done something wrong. I want to see that the person for whom all are praying and the person for whom I am praying is really innocent or he is guilty in any part.
I do not understand why this points were not raise in the court by Sanjay's lawyer, and why police did not investigate the case in the broader sense and why Sanjay Dutt's statement was not given any importance.
Why the circumstances in which he acted was ignored and why this is all called a drama only because he is an actor. He has approach to the police also, but no help was given to him and FOR THE SECURITY OF THE FAMILY person will do what Sanjay Dutt did.
Just remember he or his family was not like a common man's family.
Now I have full belief that he was made a target so that if in future the case runs then having Sanjay with them will make easy for their escape. HUM TO DUBAYGA SANAM TUM KO BE LA DUBBAYGA.
The only mistake Sanjay Dutt did was he was fascinated about arms and that made an easy pray for the terrorist. Or in other words he was set by them, this was all pre planned.
He did not know the under world before the YALGAAR shooting, this point was also not given importance. Feroj Khan was not questioned once as he invited and introduces Sanjay to these people.
RE:Please see this case with different angle.
by ajay pande on Aug 03, 2007 05:45 AM Permalink
Sanajy Dutt did a big mistake so he has to suffer for his punishment. Sanjay dutt got very less as compared to others. He should not be release from TADA charges.His lawer consume a long time to make the whole case that why he is free from TADA. The Funishment should be More that 6 years. I hope & Pray to Might GOD the Supereme Court will keep the same Or give More than this Punishment to Sanjay Dutt.
It is extremely shameful on Indian Police and CBI that till date they are unable to trace/catch dawood and tiger memon who were the culprits behind the killings of so many innocent people. Sunjay got screwed by the oldest laws which are helpless. A two years punishment with community service and hefty fine and a written warning to him would have served the purpose. But old laws are the stick to whip this guy. There are so many politicians rascals who are roaming freely after doing all sorts of major illegal things and still sitting in the parliament doing nothing. Where does the law hide when it comes to catch and drag these polltishians to the court and conduct trail on them. Never it has happened, may be to make a show that still our judiciary is alive (like a dying man on the deathbed). For example we have seen many of the supporters of shiv sena do all sorts of damages for small small issues but police or law would be blind at that time. Yeh kanoon andha hai aur hamesha hi rahega. We definitely need a drastic change in our old law books. This might be one of the reasons why India is still a developing nation even after 60 years of independence. Every political party's workers (during election) as i have seen fire guns in the air after victory. Where is the law and police to carb these f.bastards who are more harmful to the society than tb, cholera, aids etc. These rouges spread faster than killing viruses. Punishing a fellow after 14 years is the greatest joke of milleniu
RE:Where is the law for polltishians
by Manisha Jayakar on Aug 02, 2007 06:14 PM Permalink
very true and that too when the person have recongnised the mistake and made an attemp to improve himself, and doing his best to be a good citizen.
More then this case rape cases have increased and sex racket have increased who will hold them, Now I fear where thr society is going.
RE:Where is the law for polltishians
by dinu on Aug 22, 2007 04:50 PM Permalink
evean our police can caught a pickpocketers at lest 10 times but not hardcore criminals once.
After 6 years he will no longer be the No 1 in his field he has to struggle and that will not be his age to struggle. He will than not be offered Hero Roles, this decision has ruined his future life.
My FRIEND in the film industry until you are in lime light every one will be with you but once you are out of that light no one care for you, How many of the old actor/actress you know now who are out of the lime light, How%u2019re they living, what are they doing????
We only hear when the death news comes on the TV.
Think before you pass the judgment, you can ruin someone%u2019s life for just setting up an example in the society.
He has not killed anyone, he might be under pressure If anyone point a gun on your family and tell you to do the same thing that Sanjay did WILL YOU NOT DO IT?????????
The court has not considered his circumstance or why he did this, they have straight away given punishment for his fault and to set the example in the society, which is not fair.
And the people saying that 1993 riots are unforgettable events in Indian History. It will become a lesson to everybody.... then the arms which were with Sanjay Dutt were not used in the riots, He destroyed them as he do not want them to be used and now after much discussion I am sure that he was told to keep the arms at the gun pointed on his family. Anyone will do it if in the same circumstances, which is not considered here in th
I think 3 yrs or so with some fine and community service should have been enough since he did a unlawful activity but 6 years is too long. Looking at the scenario those days(92-93), it is not entirely un-imaginable for someone who(or family- read muslim mom) had received threats, to keep ammunition etc. If customs and police could allow guns to be brought in with some bribe, it does not inspire lot of confidence in system. I hope this is considered by SC.
There are tons of much more hardened and dangerous criminal politicians in UP/Bihar but they hardly ever are convicted. In very rare cases if there is some really serious charge(few murders etc) then maybe. I would be happier if some of those politicians got the rap. A person owning arms for potential self defense in unusual circumstances and having served already 16 months on jail with 13 yrs of court visits and agony does not deserve this. Though one good thing is it keeps gullible and foolish people of India happy and hopeful thinking justice has been served. They of-course do not know that there were also 9 politicians who were caught with illegal weapons during the time and none of them were convicted. If he had been sentenced within 2-3 years of case, it would have been different matter.