Today I have gone through the whole case for any thing that makes me feel that Sanjay Dutt has done something wrong. I want to see that the person for whom all are praying and the person for whom I am praying is really innocent or he is guilty in any part.
I do not understand why this points were not raise in the court by Sanjay's lawyer, and why police did not investigate the case in the broader sense and why Sanjay Dutt's statement was not given any importance.
Why the circumstances in which he acted was ignored and why this is all called a drama only because he is an actor. He has approach to the police also, but no help was given to him and FOR THE SECURITY OF THE FAMILY person will do what Sanjay Dutt did.
Just remember he or his family was not like a common man's family.
Now I have full belief that he was made a target so that if in future the case runs then having Sanjay with them will make easy for their escape. HUM TO DUBAYGA SANAM TUM KO BE LA DUBBAYGA.
The only mistake Sanjay Dutt did was he was fascinated about arms and that made an easy pray for the terrorist. Or in other words he was set by them, this was all pre planned.
He did not know the under world before the YALGAAR shooting, this point was also not given importance. Feroj Khan was not questioned once as he invited and introduces Sanjay to these people.