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Where is the law for polltishians
by on Aug 02, 2007 11:36 AM

It is extremely shameful on Indian Police and CBI that till date they are unable to trace/catch dawood and tiger memon who were the culprits behind the killings of so many innocent people. Sunjay got screwed by the oldest laws which are helpless. A two years punishment with community service and hefty fine and a written warning to him would have served the purpose. But old laws are the stick to whip this guy. There are so many politicians rascals who are roaming freely after doing all sorts of major illegal things and still sitting in the parliament doing nothing. Where does the law hide when it comes to catch and drag these polltishians to the court and conduct trail on them. Never it has happened, may be to make a show that still our judiciary is alive (like a dying man on the deathbed). For example we have seen many of the supporters of shiv sena do all sorts of damages for small small issues but police or law would be blind at that time. Yeh kanoon andha hai aur hamesha hi rahega. We definitely need a drastic change in our old law books. This might be one of the reasons why India is still a developing nation even after 60 years of independence. Every political party's workers (during election) as i have seen fire guns in the air after victory. Where is the law and police to carb these f.bastards who are more harmful to the society than tb, cholera, aids etc. These rouges spread faster than killing viruses. Punishing a fellow after 14 years is the greatest joke of milleniu

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