Nomatter how the ignorant citizens presuming that tibet is an independant country, but infact Tibet belongs to China forever, these is admited by all formal governments in the world including India, Euroup, USA. Dalai lama admited also that Tibet is one part of China. But unfortunitly, Dalai lama can't controll the 2nd or 3rd generations exile tibetans who had become terrorists and separatists under the religion robe, Dalai lama had been threaten by those young tibetans that if he contact to Beijing government. Separatism is a common in almostly every countries, not only in China, but also in India. If the motherland is not strong enough, the separatists would grown up and usually been supported by hostility neibour countries by an informal way. Usually, the sepatatists can gain the supports of ignorant and unfair citizens in these neighbour countries. Every formal governments will cooperate to fight against international terrorism, ethnic separatism and religious extremism due to the nations profit and the peace of the world.
EU sheey paahaleey Asia khaa Economic Union (AEU) hootaa. ASEAN economic union naaheey hein auuraha usmein ghoorey spies AUZ, NZ hein. EIIS VAAKATH GHOOROO KHEEY JYDAA ACCESS HEIN CHINA PHAAR IN COMPARISON TO INDIA OR TIBET. For India and China, vooha muscle flex khaartheey hein.
Humeey Chinese kooha exclude naahey khaanaa hein Union sheey. Chinese kaa decision making confused hein with all the MFN rishwaat from Ghoora. India kaaha haal auuraha bhurra hein, India kooha thoo culturally Ghoroo nheey dhoo dhiyaa hein.
Hoo saakthaa hein chinese muscles khaam use khaareey auuraha dhimaag use khaareey. Kyoo kheey Chinese and Asia(includes India) khaatam hoo jhaayegaa in long run aghaar Asia kheey union naaheey hoogeey.
Remember, Angrez india mein Afiim (opium) grow khaartheey and China sheey trade khaartheey theey using Indian labour auuraha Indian soliders to enforce the trade. Mangal Pandey dheekoo, eiim ghoora kaaha mind usseey thinking sheey evolve huan hein.
RE:Aghaar chinese brains use khaareey instead of Muscles
by D S on Mar 23, 2008 01:26 AM Permalink
Chini kheey good boycott naaheey, unseey trade balance khaarnaa hein, trade bhaadanaa hein auur ghalat dumping reduce khaarnaa hein.
Ghooraa thoo India auuraha Chinese kheey western world phaar dependence bhaadaa raaha hein thruu chini and Indian goods and services.
Jhissey Asia eikh dusreey phaar khaam depend khaareey or khaam communicate khaareey jhiseey their balls ghoroo kheey haath mein hoo.
Why do you think Dell Chini parts buy kaaregaa auuraha saaman exchange manipulation and software dhaalneey kheey bhaadh india mein sell khaareega, same with Cisco and that too world labour/intellect kooha use khaar kheey.
Phiir Khoi Asia kheey Union naaheey hoogeey and over time vooha culture and strenght dilute khaar dheeygeey.
He was saddened by the cruel act of Chinese for the Tibetans. It's time, India and the Int'l communities SUPPORT the Tibetan Cause. We must join hand with the Tibetans for their struggle for Freedom.
Dalai lama should leave following the principles of buddhism which has no fighting spirit against the injustice and atrocities commited towards buddhist people, should follow the guidelines of Shrimad bhagwad gita which will help him and his people to fight against those crimes commited against humanity.
RE:Dalai lama should not cry!
by Vijay B on Mar 23, 2008 07:53 AM Permalink
First let our country practice it before preaching it to Dalai Lama. Our worthless leaders are rendering our faces blackened.
RE:Dalai lama should not cry!
by on Mar 24, 2008 03:42 PM Permalink
you better follow gita and drink blood of your fellow counter ok? You guy are sffering from ignornance.The Buddha said Ignorance is the great sickness.So you need a nursing.Read the book of Dalai Lama.
Tibet was an independent country for thousands of years. Yes, Tibet is a neighbour to China. But Chinese and Tibetans have nothing in common. It is like Germany and France. Even though both share hundreds of kilometers as border, they are very different.
Chinese occupied Tibet by force in 1950 and it was illegal. Nehru and other INC leaders of that time remained mere spectators to the occupation. During the illegal encroachment and the violence that followed, Dalai Lama came to India and formed a Government in exile.
For helping Dalai Lama, China attacked India in 1962. India was badly defeated. India had to concede thousands of sq kilometers of land to cunning Chinese. Those areas are still ruled by Chinese.
All these are well documented history.
Chinese greed has not stopped yet. They still claim Arunachal in total.
Congress (I), commies and other pseudos support Chinese claims. It is a matter of time before they hand over Arunachal to Chinese on a platter to earn some brownie points and few thousand votes.
We patriotic Indians should be totally aware of these nefarious Chinese designs and oppose them till our last blood falls for Bharat.
Independent Tibet is the best that could happen to India. Let us all give Tibetan brothers support in whatever shape or form.
At least, then we could save Brahmaputra, which Chinese are planning to block and inundate India if situation turns bad for them.
RE:Liberate Tibet
by jeevan on Mar 22, 2008 06:06 PM Permalink
I think, the first step is to liberate India from the clutches of bad politicians, corrupt officials and religious outfits..
RE:Liberate Tibet
by Babu on Mar 22, 2008 10:24 PM Permalink
Tibet is a Free Country. Can you say India belonged to the Brits ? You should read the history of Tibet that the King of Tibet married the Daughter of Chinese King and Nepalese King. So, read the history first before commenting.
Ok the Paki ISI agent is back to back his paymasters' paymasters, the Chinese. Look here you nameless, YOUR history that you've mentioned is nowhere near the truth.
Chinese is the only race currently living in the world which has cannibalistic tendencies. I understand "aborted kids" are a favorite cuisine for Chinese.
This culinary habit can explain the barbaric behaviour of Chinese against almost all other countries/races in the world.
Raymond Lee and David are chinese in disguised names... The Evil China will surely do to India what it has done to Tibet. From this moment on India should wake from it's fearful slumber and prepare for a defensive fight with the chinese... to save India and Tibet ... Let us tie up with Taiwan, Japan ,US, Isreal etc.. There is no time to lost ...
RE:The Evil China will surely do to India what it has done to Tibet
by SatyaMeva Jayate on Mar 22, 2008 05:37 PM Permalink
At least, Raymond Lee is honest. He still retains his Chinese name. David is one of the millions of Chinese who change their names once they reach US. People like David are Chinese at core of their hearts, but change their names to earn Dollars.
RE:World Must Contribute To Tibet's Freedom Forces
by Raymond Lee on Mar 22, 2008 04:38 PM Permalink
I am sorry, but there is one point that most of the countries support Tibet is one part of China, including USA, UK, GERMANY, AUSTRALIA, INDIA... I think you ignore that so you can say "about 270 countries are demonstrating their support for the Freedom of Tibet".
RE:World Must Contribute To Tibet's Freedom Forces
by Vijay B on Mar 23, 2008 07:59 AM Permalink
Raymond, no matter what you say, what the Chinese have done has always been woefully wrong. To kill, rape, pillage an entire country is not something you people can get away with. That bad karma will get back to you someday. Perhaps you're already suffering it without your knowledge.
Buddy, don't forget one thing. Ultimately the doership lies with each individual. As one sows, so does one reap.
RE:World Must Contribute To Tibet's Freedom Forces
by Raymond Lee on Mar 23, 2008 08:41 PM Permalink
Dont say that. We are damn right on Tibet issue. And anyone who wants to split Tibet out of China will reap what he sows.