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RE:Aghaar chinese brains use khaareey instead of Muscles
by D S on Mar 23, 2008 01:26 AM


Chini kheey good boycott naaheey, unseey trade balance khaarnaa hein, trade bhaadanaa hein auur ghalat dumping reduce khaarnaa hein.

Ghooraa thoo India auuraha Chinese kheey western world phaar dependence bhaadaa raaha hein thruu chini and Indian goods and services.

Jhissey Asia eikh dusreey phaar khaam depend khaareey or khaam communicate khaareey jhiseey their balls ghoroo kheey haath mein hoo.

Why do you think Dell Chini parts buy kaaregaa auuraha saaman exchange manipulation and software dhaalneey kheey bhaadh india mein sell khaareega, same with Cisco and that too world labour/intellect kooha use khaar kheey.

Phiir Khoi Asia kheey Union naaheey hoogeey and over time vooha culture and strenght dilute khaar dheeygeey.

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