EU sheey paahaleey Asia khaa Economic Union (AEU) hootaa. ASEAN economic union naaheey hein auuraha usmein ghoorey spies AUZ, NZ hein. EIIS VAAKATH GHOOROO KHEEY JYDAA ACCESS HEIN CHINA PHAAR IN COMPARISON TO INDIA OR TIBET. For India and China, vooha muscle flex khaartheey hein.
Humeey Chinese kooha exclude naahey khaanaa hein Union sheey. Chinese kaa decision making confused hein with all the MFN rishwaat from Ghoora. India kaaha haal auuraha bhurra hein, India kooha thoo culturally Ghoroo nheey dhoo dhiyaa hein.
Hoo saakthaa hein chinese muscles khaam use khaareey auuraha dhimaag use khaareey. Kyoo kheey Chinese and Asia(includes India) khaatam hoo jhaayegaa in long run aghaar Asia kheey union naaheey hoogeey.
Remember, Angrez india mein Afiim (opium) grow khaartheey and China sheey trade khaartheey theey using Indian labour auuraha Indian soliders to enforce the trade. Mangal Pandey dheekoo, eiim ghoora kaaha mind usseey thinking sheey evolve huan hein.