The secret plan consisted of the following features:
Notorious thugs selected from the Jathika Sevaka Sangamaya were to be in charge of this plan. They were to be provided with maps of major towns in the South %u2013 where Tamils lived in large numbers, details about Hindu temples, schools, business places and voters%u2019 list relating to Tamils.
The purpose of this plan was to launch a sudden attack to destroy the properties belonging to Tamils while torturing them physically %u2013 all within a matter of a few days.
Yet they made it a point not to murder or rape Tamils except where the person concerned resisted. In that case he woud be killed to deter others.
The whole drama should not have resembled a clash against Tamils by Sinhalese. Instead it was to give the impression of a planned attack by some shadowy groups.
In selecting members for the group and when assigning duties to them, care was taken that they should be unfamiliar with the area they were posted to. The attack was to be launched and completed within a specified period. This happened to be the initial stage of the plan. It was said that this was briefed to some trusted personnel in the forces after it was scrutinised and approved by J.R.
After this, all of them were eagerly awaiting a proper time to launch the plot.
It was on the dawn of 23rd July 1983%u2026. There were some shadowy figures lying in ambush behind a huge %u2018mara%u2019 tree at spot between Thirunelveli junction and the Agricultural College along Jaffna-Palaly road. Some prominent tigers including Prabakaran, Mahaththaya, Ragu and Sellakkili were among them.
Just as a military truck was approaching a land-mine exploded deafeningly. Gun shots too followed. Thirteen army men lost their lives on the spot while from the tigers side, only Sellakkili was killed. Immediately the surrounding area became strangely quiet.
This explosion marked the very first land-mine blast in Sri Lanka!
Various rumours spread throughout the peninsula making people panicky. Tension began to creep into their minds as to what would happen the next day. But none of them ever thought that this would result in blood shed changing the course of the country%u2019s history.
With the break of day, army personnel from Palaly, Jaffna Fort and Gurunagar camps came out with a vengeance, firing wildly. Children, elders, women and youth, irrespective of their ages, were killed while hundreds of civilians were wounded. The memories of that horror, after 16 years, still haunt us.
Genocide (Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide New York, 9 December 1948)
The United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide defines the term as: Any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. Sri Lanka 12 Oct 1950 (Accession)
The outbreak of anti-Tamil riots in Sri Lanka did change the course of the nation%u2019s history. Extensively organised anti-Tamil riots took place in Colombo and South of Sri Lanka. The riots lasted for several days and left over 3,000 Tamils dead and millions of dollars worth of their property were destroyed. Rather than stopping the genocide the Sri Lankan politicians, police, armed forces as well as the Buddhist clergy actively took part in many of the murders and rapes. Sinhalese community systematically attacked Tamils and destroy Tamil property, and the riots create a movement of refugees within the island. Thousands of Tamils fled to Tamil Nadu, Europe and North America.
RE:Tamilians in India have safe guarded Hinduism for many centuries......
by indian on Mar 09, 2008 06:25 PM Permalink
its shows ur knowledge about tamils. Tamils do not belong to one religion. every major religion has tamilians. I am proud to be a tamilian myself.
RE:Tamilians in India have safe guarded Hinduism for many centuries......
by Edwin Navaratnam on Mar 09, 2008 06:37 PM Permalink
sai Ganesh Hinduism was not taken ot Sri Lanka.Buddhism was taken to Sri Lanka bu tnot Hinduism. It was already existing there. This is seem by the ancient Siva templesin the four directions,which are thousands of years old. Thiruketheeswaram in Mannar.( in the west)Thirukoneswaram in Trincomalee or Thirumalai ( the proper Tamil name). Naguleswaram In Jaffna. and finally Thondeswarma in Dondra in the deepsouth. This HIndu temple is no more as it part of the Sinhala Buddhist south. The there is Munneswaram in close Chilaw just north of Colombo. ALl these ancint HIndu temples were destroyed by the Portuguese but were rebulit again. Other than thiondeswaram as it not part of the Tamil country but is now the Sinhala Buddhist heartland. The lord Murugan or Karthikeya ( or HIrthik as know to North Indians) met wooed and married the Veddah lass Valli that is also in the deep south East of Sri Lanka. This place is called Kathirgammam.( this is the reason many Sri lankan Tamils are called Kathirgamar which means Murugan.) This famous and ancient HIndu shirne has now been taken over by the Buddhists and is now Sinhlalised and called Kataragamma. this Sinhals stil show their ancint Tamil HIndu roots they stil worship Murugan as their war god calling him Kataragamma deviyo. Like the rural Tamil Hindus they also worship Aiyannar and Pulleyar. They still break coconuts and follow many customs closely associated with the rural Tamil peasants.Even the abiriginal Veddhas chant Aro Hara
RE:Tamilians in India have safe guarded Hinduism for many centuries......
by UnitedHindu on Mar 09, 2008 08:21 PM Permalink
Dear Navarathanm,
Educate the tamil disapora living around the world. Make them united. Tamil ellam will rise soon thru this tamil refugees.
Learn from jews . Sitting in overseas as refugees they got back their ancestoral land.
Its important that tamils has to act wise like jews. If tamil disapora takes jews as an example and act accordingly in their respective land of refugee, tamil ellam can arise soon.
Only thing which LTTE can do is sitting in the homeland they can defend our ancestoral land and go offensive and get back the lost land with sinhalese. But international recognition of tamil ellam can come onl thru tamil refugees around the world and not thru LTTE.
This every tamil ellamites has to understand. Cheers.
Indian news media was never allowed to go inside tamil ellam by srilankan govt.
Hence indian news media has to depend on srilankan govt for the news. Always it is known the whole world that srilankan govt spreads false news and hence indian media also has to publish the same news.
But today the source of REDIFF Was tamilnet site for this news on ltte head.
Visit tamilnet dot com to get the news of tamil ellam.
"When the attack took place in the LTTE held area, how can the Sri Lankan (Army's) Deep Penetration Units be blamed for Sivanesan's killing," military spokesman Udaya Nanayakhara said.
--- Questions for him. 1.Many times such kind of attacks has happened in hearth of sinhalese land in southern srinlanka and in their capital colombo. So when a bomb goes off in sinhalese area why srilankan military blames ltte?. Whether he acknowledges to the world that srilanka government and srilanka military is responsible for the bombings that is happening in Srilankan military held area?
2. In the last one year, except Mr.Sivanesan all the tamil political leaders were brutually murdered in colombo by government agencies. What is this spokesperson of srilanka going to say?
3. Why do all UN agencies blames srilankan govt and srilankan military for human rights abuses ? Why did srilankan military killed 7 international peace activist? - till now there is no word from srilankan govt. All these 7 international peace activist were killed by srilankan military in srilankan military held area.
4. You acknowledge in your words that sivanesan was killed in LTTE held area?. What does that means. Are you acknolwedging to the whole world that srilanka is a disputed territory betweeen sinhalese and tamils. Well done Mr.Spokesperson.
Your acknowledgement shows the fear from srilankan govt and military. Birth of TAMIL ELLAM is very near.
RE:Question to Udaya Nanayakhara
by trikarn on Mar 10, 2008 02:10 PM Permalink
if eelam is a reality, then who will be the first prsident? prabhakaran can be commander in chief! may be karunanidhiji as prime minister and soniaji as president wud be fine!