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the plot - from the web
by snpost on Mar 09, 2008 06:40 PM

The secret plan consisted of the following features:

Notorious thugs selected from the Jathika Sevaka Sangamaya were to be in charge of this plan. They were to be provided with maps of major towns in the South %u2013 where Tamils lived in large numbers, details about Hindu temples, schools, business places and voters%u2019 list relating to Tamils.

The purpose of this plan was to launch a sudden attack to destroy the properties belonging to Tamils while torturing them physically %u2013 all within a matter of a few days.

Yet they made it a point not to murder or rape Tamils except where the person concerned resisted. In that case he woud be killed to deter others.

The whole drama should not have resembled a clash against Tamils by Sinhalese. Instead it was to give the impression of a planned attack by some shadowy groups.

In selecting members for the group and when assigning duties to them, care was taken that they should be unfamiliar with the area they were posted to. The attack was to be launched and completed within a specified period. This happened to be the initial stage of the plan. It was said that this was briefed to some trusted personnel in the forces after it was scrutinised and approved by J.R.

After this, all of them were eagerly awaiting a proper time to launch the plot.

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