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Question to Udaya Nanayakhara
by UnitedHindu on Mar 09, 2008 06:01 PM

"When the attack took place in the LTTE held area, how can the Sri Lankan (Army's) Deep Penetration Units be blamed for Sivanesan's killing," military spokesman Udaya Nanayakhara said.

--- Questions for him.
1.Many times such kind of attacks has happened in hearth of sinhalese land in southern srinlanka and in their capital colombo. So when a bomb goes off in sinhalese area why srilankan military blames ltte?. Whether he acknowledges to the world that srilanka government and srilanka military is responsible for the bombings that is happening in Srilankan military held area?

2. In the last one year, except Mr.Sivanesan all the tamil political leaders were brutually murdered in colombo by government agencies. What is this spokesperson of srilanka going to say?

3. Why do all UN agencies blames srilankan govt and srilankan military for human rights abuses ?
Why did srilankan military killed 7 international peace activist? - till now there is no word from srilankan govt. All these 7 international peace activist were killed by srilankan military in srilankan military held area.

4. You acknowledge in your words that sivanesan was killed in LTTE held area?. What does that means. Are you acknolwedging to the whole world that srilanka is a disputed territory betweeen sinhalese and tamils. Well done Mr.Spokesperson.

Your acknowledgement shows the fear from srilankan govt and military. Birth of TAMIL ELLAM is very near.

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LTTE chief makes public appearance