I am a bit confused. Accordingly to the deal, India will have to buy prohibitevely expensive nuclear material and technology from USA, and then return the same to them, if testing is doen. will the US return the money paid and compensate for the loss of technology ? Fat Chance ! After all this sacrifice, we will get a measely 3% energy over the next 10-15 years. And even if the US cancels the deal, IAEA Safeguards and inspections will continue forever. And even the small concessions will be taken away by the so called "Additional Protocol" and the wonderful minds who supposted the deal and now preparing the nation to accept more concessions under the 'Addl. Protocol". I wonder, in the end, like other aspects of life in india, it is the middlemen, dalals etc who will make money out of this and leave the country high and dry with no particular persons or group to be held responsible ?
If India does nuclear test, this agreement gets cancelled. But
(1) USA will take back all the machinery / equipments / technology supplied to India thus far.
(2) Those 14 plants will continue to be under scanner irrespective of the status of the agreement.
On the other hand, if any of the commitments given by USA is breached by them, then there is no clause for cancelling this agreement.
The agreement is apparently like this... USA can either hug India or slap India. India will not ask why are we hugged or why are we slapped. On the other hand, India cannot hug or slap USA for breach of agreement.
RE:If US Breaches, how can India safe guard IETE aggreement
by Sandeep on Aug 05, 2008 01:19 PM Permalink
1. USA can not take back anything. This is not like a small generator set sent by US. They can stop further supply of fuel. 2. If you have 8 reactors to do research in, why do you even care about rest 14. Just a waste of time. India can also walk away from the deal if it comes to that point. Then India will very likely have to face sanctions and be prepared for that eventuality.
Bush is not doing a charity work. He will get a feather in his cap of successfully finishing something which he started and engaging India, a rising power closely. MMS is also in a hurry for same reasons. He wants to finish this off and he is confident it will be beneficial for India and wants the one to do this as this will be remembered in future if things go well as it should be.
It should be re-written as India could pull out of the Deal if US does any tests in future. US is the only country to have used Nukes before and only country which is most likly to be using such Bombs.
if it is true for US to terminate the deal when india conducts the test, then those who were supporting the deal are either traitor or real stupid. when deal demands to seperate the civil and military installtion so that fuel could be supplied to the civil installation. What india does in its military installation, it should no body business. Considering the hostile neighbours, you cannot surrender your options. Surrendring the options is nothing but selling your country interest as a traitor. After spending loads and loads of money to built the installation, if NSG stops supplies of fuel then it would be nothing but a rude joke for us. Come on MM singh, you cannot sell us. Deal is not so inportant if price is so heavy.
RE:Act of betrayal
by Sandeep on Aug 01, 2008 03:27 AM Permalink
Burns says US has right to terminate the deal if India goes ahead for Nuclear explosions and what is wrong in that? Wouldn't it be stupid to think they would say US will not terminate agreement if India conducts explosions. Every country will look our for their own interests and India would do same from this agreement. There are enough ambiguities in this deal to go either way. Which is why enemy countries like pak oppose this deal
Manmohan gave us what Atal refused: US expert Author: Publication: Deccan Chronicle Date: July 22, 2006
Former prime minister Atal Behari Vajpayee was not willing to "offer much to the United States in exchange for the (civilian nuclear energy) agreement, we got more from the government of Dr Manmohan Singh," according to Dr Ashley Tellis, senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Dr Tellis worked with US officials on the nuclear agreement with India.
Dr Tellis, who was earlier posted at the US embassy here as adviser to former ambassador Robert Blackwill, told Internet news site Rediff that the Vajpayee government also wanted the deal, but one could not be reached because it was not giving much to the US. He said he could not disclose what Washington had wanted from the Vajpayee government but had been unable to get.
Asked by the reporter if Dr Manmohan Singh had caved in "easily", Dr Tellis said, "There is no question of Dr Singh caving in, India has got a deal that it would not have got in the past or in the future." Sources close to Mr Vajpayee said there were three points that his government was not willing to concede to Washington with a clear record of this being established through the Jaswant Singh-Strobe Talbott talks. These concerned the CTBT, the moratorium on fissile production and a proposed restrain in the nuclear regime.
I would like to ask PM & govt , if they have factored in the scenario where India is restricted from testing due to Hyde act & 123 agreement, however Pakistan goes ahead & starts testing N-weapons. This would lead to 2 situations- 1. India would respond & start testing again ,which would lead to ending of the N-deal with US & NSG. 2. India will not test & thereby give a huge strategic, tactical, technological & psychological advantage to Pakistan & the Jihadis , who will be further emboldened to carry out a misadventure against India & on a larger scale than previously executed.
What will our Govt & scholoarly PM have to say on the above scenario.
RE:Pakistan could sabotage the deal by testing N bomb
by Sandeep on Aug 01, 2008 02:53 AM Permalink
Possibility of conducting further tests is the only thing which is somewhat of a doubt I have about this deal. Everything else about this deal is clearly good for India. Nothing is too clear on what happens if India tests.
Though the following passage is trying to factor in a possibility of Nuclear Weapons testing if it has to be done.. Search on Reuters or other places.
"An essential basis of India's concurrence to accept Agency safeguards ... is the conclusion of international cooperation arrangements creating the necessary conditions for India to obtain ... reliable, uninterrupted and continuous access to fuel supplies from companies in several nations, as well as support for an Indian effort to develop a strategic reserve of nuclear fuel to guard against any disruption of supply...
"India may take corrective measures to ensure uninterrupted operation of its civilian nuclear reactors in the event of disruption of foreign fuel supplies."
RE:Arrest MMSingh, Sonia, Pranab and Congi chunks and keep them life time into the jail for cheating the nation
by USamanta on Aug 01, 2008 02:09 AM Permalink
They would have executed publicly for cheating the nation.
"90 percent of India's nuclear establishment would be under IAEA safeguards�none of that would have been possible without this deal"
This is essence explains the deal. Manmohan an economist and slave of sonia a westerner has given away what all previous primeministers including indira gandhi fought for in the past.
RE:this is essence explains the deal
by Sandeep on Aug 01, 2008 02:47 AM Permalink
Of the current reactors 8 will be out of safeguards from 22 which means roughly 63%. As new reactors are imported, they will be placed in IAEA and so that percentage will go up. Whether it will become 90 or 80 will largely depend on how many reactors are imported. What is the problem there?
Let me take it this way... => Interstate disputes => Border inflation => Bangladesh terrorist => China claiming land => Pakistan army crossing border 80 or so times. => Blasts in jaipur, delhi, banglore, gujrat.. => Nuclear deal mess => Crore of money in bribing => Ramayna a mytch..ram destroyed ram setu..before was said..it's a natural phenomena => High inflation => Now indian terrorism..
can someone tell me are we still proud of india?? everywhere leaders are from majority of population and religion..and we have none in gov't!! it's a shame..not f'n proudness..
Congress is just useless...mix of crappy old..if you don't understand the value or culture of a country's population how can you lead ?
and they say..it's a "Cause of concern" .. should it been US or UK those terrorist were be dead or in their cages..
RE:this way
by Bhoomipalagan on Aug 01, 2008 01:10 AM Permalink
All what you say happenned in BJP time also. Why did'nt you raise your voice then guest. You were a guest of india?
RE:this way
by Santhosh Kumar on Aug 01, 2008 12:12 AM Permalink
Yes, Still I am proud of india,,, Because it is growing like anything.. Articles says.. in 2035 will be world best economy.. all the because of the people in india and indian system...
so I am proud of india...
there is nothing wrong in this deal,, if we want break the deal then just do the N-test.. after paid off of our money...
RE:this way
by Guest on Aug 01, 2008 12:52 AM Permalink
aare ho gavar ghati. By 2035 India will have the largest population, so it is quite obvious it will have one of the largest economy. it is gdp per capita that counts.
RE:this way
by Sandeep on Aug 01, 2008 03:42 AM Permalink
There are a lot of folks who are proud of India. Of-course, India could have done better and that would have been happier but whatever was achieved is no small measure also. Lots still need to be done though..
I strongly feel Nuclear deal is good for India and that is the only good thing I see in your list.
RE:this way
by Abhinav on Aug 01, 2008 07:51 AM Permalink
out of whatever BJP did.. atleast they got balls to test the nuclear bomb to give us an image.. and give us a renewed title of nuclear armeed state..otherwise we could have been sayin..we got bomb..but,, was tested in 1970's...
country security comes first!
nuclear deals seems to good for some and bad for others..
whatever out of head i listed up there..and we proud indians...what are we doing??? ===> ignoring culture.. -->making fun of our own clothing style and food ---->skipping prayers and making fun of hindia and sanskrit.. ---->how many of know prayers,, how many of your kids know religious books..
I grew up in all over NA...and when I visited India..I was surprised to see that indians in india are more westernized then the indian kids in states itself..
i don't know..why it showing guest.. I am proud indian tooo..