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this way
by Guest on Aug 01, 2008 12:04 AM

Let me take it this way...
=> Interstate disputes
=> Border inflation
=> Bangladesh terrorist
=> China claiming land
=> Pakistan army crossing border 80 or so times.
=> Blasts in jaipur, delhi, banglore, gujrat..
=> Nuclear deal mess
=> Crore of money in bribing
=> Ramayna a mytch..ram destroyed ram setu..before was's a natural phenomena
=> High inflation
=> Now indian terrorism..


can someone tell me are we still proud of india?? everywhere leaders are from majority of population and religion..and we have none in gov't!! it's a shame..not f'n proudness..

Congress is just useless...mix of crappy old..if you don't understand the value or culture of a country's population how can you lead ?

and they's a "Cause of concern" .. should it been US or UK those terrorist were be dead or in their cages..

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US can terminate N-deal if India tests