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If US Breaches, how can India safe guard IETE aggreement
by nk on Aug 01, 2008 04:04 PM

If India does nuclear test, this agreement gets cancelled. But

(1) USA will take back all the machinery / equipments / technology supplied to India thus far.

(2) Those 14 plants will continue to be under scanner irrespective of the status of the agreement.

On the other hand, if any of the commitments given by USA is breached by them, then there is no clause for cancelling this agreement.

The agreement is apparently like this... USA can either hug India or slap India. India will not ask why are we hugged or why are we slapped.
On the other hand, India cannot hug or slap USA for breach of agreement.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
US can terminate N-deal if India tests