This is a welcome step. The Government of India or the respective state governments should provide ID cards similar to the Social Security Number of US to every citizen over 18 years of age and the details of minors should be included in the parent's cards. No need to oppose anything and every thing in the name of religion or poor (actually nobody cares for the poor)
RE:ID Cards
by Maximus Decimus Meridius on Jan 07, 2008 07:14 AM Permalink
Social security number is not a national ID. THe cops cannot stop you on the road randomly and ask you to prove your identity. That is illegal in the US, UK, India etc. Social security number is fine... make the PAN number cumpulsory for all, that's ok. This is different. This requires you to carry a piece of paper on you all the time. If you lose it or forget to carry it and are stopped by the cops, you are in serious trouble right? Isn't it just one more tool for harassment?
BJP on one hand wants the id cards issued to the immigrants of Bengal. Now we have one govt which I dispise making an effort to make all living in the capital accountable. The ID card should not be based on the persons living in Delhi but from any where in India valid all over India. Its like having a passport.
RE:BJP as moorons
by raman govindan on Jan 06, 2008 01:31 PM Permalink
every one india should carry an ID card or a passport issued by the govt. of India. foreign national should have a passport issued by another recognised nation and have visa to vsit our country or permitted by treaty to visit our country without visa. the india ciizens viting ourtside thier districts should necessarily carry the ID/passport with them.
RE:RE:BJP as moorons
by A Rao on Jan 06, 2008 01:36 PM Permalink
You have a system to write this messag on rediff and money in pocket to get the ID card. Most of the poor India does not have ID card. The first step for govt should be ensuring that every citizen has an ID card.
RE:BJP as moorons
by JGN on Jan 06, 2008 10:51 PM Permalink
What prevents the Government from providing an ID Card free of charge? It is high time that the Govt provided IDs like the Social Security Number of US to every citizen over 18 years of age. No point in opposing anything and everything either in the name of religion or in the name of poor (It is a different sotory that nobody really cares for the poor).
It should have been implemented some 10 years ago , it was proposed by NDA govt to have common national ID with social security no along with pan details residence driving license everything in one small card as small as sim card size . this is really important to have in our country n to tackle terrorists . it should be given free of cost without any delay n harassment , it is not going to affect and can save many lives in future from bomb blasts n terrorism . this system is not something new it is there in many other developed nations who r democratic too. If anyone got problem with it , they should four walls n stay their forever , instead of supporting govt n law agencies ,citizens itself make things difficult for govt n law agencies . Indian people r cry babies n complainers for everything they cry n complain , they dont do any thing as citizen but they know only to pull legs like crabs criticize n lazy n hypocrites . If someone really got problem with ID's cards they must stay in house forever or leave this country .and if some state wants to restrict people from other states they got full rights to do it . that is state govt policy n rules , u have to abide it ,Indians genetically find very very difficult to follow rules and abide by it . they need to be booted n hit by sticks otherwise they dont understand anything. We r just animals in form of humans who dont want to do live like civilised people , i dont know what kind of civilization we had centuries ago
RE:this is a good move
by anand biswas on Jan 06, 2008 10:21 AM Permalink
Before any stupid cynic opposes the sense written in this passage, I wud like to agree with juan. This is important. Guys.. please try to see the bigger picture. Harassing countrymen is not the objective, stopping terrorism is !
RE:this is a good move
by Maximus Decimus Meridius on Jan 07, 2008 07:08 AM Permalink
Juan, you are badly in need of a good education. The constitution of India guarantees unhindered passage of all its citizens anywhere in the union - in other words, no state can decide who can enter and who cannot. It is not state govt. policy and cannot be, because it is not under their jurisdiction. Same issue with a national ID card - the cops cant randomly detain people or stop people from going anywhere unless there is just cause - in that case, get a warrant, press charges or let them go. That's how the law works in civilised nations. I guess you would rather live in Saudi Arabia...
Are you aware that a vast proportion of India's population have no papers? Some dont even have ration cards. The land they owned for generations do not have title deeds. This is true in many remote parts of the country. What do you do with them?
In the amount of tax payers money that is spent on pointless exercises like these (dont tell me a landless labourer is going to have to pay for this hi-tech ID idea of yours), you can expand and train the police force, make them better equipped and improve the intelligence gathering mechanism. Do the math - a country of 1.2 billion people - if each ID card costs even Rs 10 (will be more like 100 if you count all expenses including staff, still), that is Rs. 1200 crores, or 5-10% of our defence budget, more than what we plan to spend on the IAF modernization (buying 126 figherplanes). Use that money to improve the police force instead!
Guys, remember what made Gandhi famous in India? His protest against the mandatory ID cards for Indians, imposed by the British government. Gandhi and company resisted by burning the ID cards, due to which they were jailed. Under Hitler, Jews were required to carry ID cards and wear a cross of David on their clothes. Failure to do that would lead to them being shot. Democracies worldwide do not require their citizens to possess ID cards (UK, US etc.) simply because this is a characteristic of a police state. Anyway, what happens if you forgot your ID card at home or lost it? Can the cops put you in jail (if not, what's the point of it? They can detain you on suspicion anyway). Do you really need a "license" just to walk on the streets now? One more way in which a corrupt cop can get a bribe?
RE:Remember South Africa?
by juan on Jan 06, 2008 09:54 AM Permalink
forget what the blood y hell gandhi did in sa that is 100 years old , live in present , embrace technology n make the country n life of people safe , u ppl dont get over from past n nor have any intelligence or guts or vision to see future , people like u r worse than illiterates , please leave this country ,we dont want imbecile people . First n foremost govt should become ruthless n kill imbeciles for improvement of this country , this country got 90% people totally unintelligent n imbeciles , even animals got better IQ than citizens of this country
RE:Remember South Africa?
by Maximus Decimus Meridius on Jan 07, 2008 06:44 AM Permalink
Well, judging from the way you write - your insufficient knowledge of grammar, vocabulary and semantics, you would fall in the 90% bracket of the people who conveniently label imbecilic and unintelligent. I'd suggest you go to school and get an education before the gestapo that you seek to establish comes and exterminates you. You are in for some hard labour, but you just might make it - after all, fear of death can make people do virtually anythin.
That ad hominem attack apart, lemme tackle your main point - just because it happened 100 yrs ago doesnt change anything. The british imposed it for the same reasons that GoI wants it imposed - to track the coolies and their "anti-national" activities. In the process, it became a tool of harassment and humiliation of the population at the hands of law enforcement. It's the height of hypocrisy if, now that we are independent, choose to impose the same set of laws that we thought cruel and inhumane when we were at the receiving end. The reasons the british imposed it are the same as ours... the only thing that has changed is the people who constituted the government... Perhaps you are right, this country is indeed full of imbeciles with selective amnesia.
RE:Remember South Africa?
by anand biswas on Jan 06, 2008 10:06 AM Permalink
Some people like to quote history and simultaneously think in actions taken at that time. Its better for the country and its people to realize that the times are changing and we need to do this in order to combat terrorists who are roaming freely amongst us. India being one of the places on the terrorists strike list, this measure needs to be taken. But this should also not involve any harassing and delay in providing the ID proofs. Also tampering of these cards should be made virtually impossible, otherwise they wouldn't serve any purpose.
RE:Remember South Africa?
by Rajib Chakraborty on Jan 06, 2008 11:39 AM Permalink
Sir, How will one ensure that terrorists do not possess valid ID cards??? With such a huge population in Delhi having no ID cards and so much corruption all around, terrorists are surely to get the most valid ID cards..
The latest genetic information and archeological evidances are confirming what many of us long suspected. The Indian upper caste people are of Arab descent. Calling oneself God's chosen people, calling oneself twice born and also wearing a holy thread has been quite common in the Arab world. For example the Arab Jews call themselves God's chosen people, the Arab Christains call themselves born again, the Arab Persians wear a holy thread along their waist. Also the Arab looks of the top three castes in India is indisputable. Now we finally know how some Indians have long noses and fair complexion. What was hidden through history is being exposed by technology namely the genetics study and the lates archealogy dig, most notably in Syria and Khurdistan.
RE:Indian upper castes are of Arab descent?
by Raghu Mangalam on Jan 06, 2008 09:56 AM Permalink
Kumar -- could you pls. provide us with links or references to sources where your claims are being made? That would help all of us be more informed than what we are now. Thanks.
RE:Indian upper castes are of Arab descent?
by anand biswas on Jan 06, 2008 10:11 AM Permalink
I guess this topic does discuss something more important than where we our forefathers were from. Whether we need ID proofs in Delhi to combat terrorism or not ? I don't see any close resemblance.. If any of you really do, please enlighten me
RE:Indian upper castes are of Arab descent?
by Maximus Decimus Meridius on Jan 06, 2008 07:56 AM Permalink
What a bunch of baloney this is. First of all Persians are not Arabs. We are genetically and linguistically related to the persians (Iranians) but not Arabs. Second, ALL christians are born again. Catholics associate this with baptism... And no, Indians dont look like arabs... Arabs have curly hair and long sharp noses. Our features are softer and our hair is curlier. There is research out there that supports the aryan assimilation theory (not invasion... this is based on the fact that Indian languages barring a few like tamil are related to european languages, as well as genetics). It is possible that the upper castes are these aryans, but they are definitely not arabs. If they were, our languages would be similar, but semetic languages are nothing like Indo european languages.
RE:RE:Indian upper castes are of Arab descent?
by Maximus Decimus Meridius on Jan 06, 2008 07:58 AM Permalink
correction, I meant our hair is straighter than arabs and our nose shapes are much softer too. If anything, we look like Iranians sometimes, but never arabs. It's impossible for anyone exposed to both to confuse them...
muslims don't want any controls in kafir countries because control interfere with their plan to sabotage the host kafir country. however, islamic countries want to have total control on kafirs.
RE:muslims will always resist any effort at control
by juan on Jan 06, 2008 09:56 AM Permalink
pradip blood pakistani get lost from india , this ID is mandantory for all for all religions , U moron u r shame n disgrace to india n hindus , i m Hindu brahmin myself but i would not think second time or have regret to shoot u at ur balls , u r waste of flesh n blood. There should be only RULe , Think about INDia or Just DIE
RE:muslims will always resist any effort at control
by anand biswas on Jan 06, 2008 10:14 AM Permalink
I couldn't agree more with you juan. People like Pradip are bent on destroying whatever moral fabric of secularism is left in our country. Mr.Pradip Parekh, you are no better than Islamist Fundamentalists.
RE:muslims will always resist any effort at control
by bee suman on Jan 06, 2008 10:00 AM Permalink
in saudi arabia, it is mandetory for expats to carry resident permit with them. It is good. incase of an accident authorities know every thing about you.all western countries hsve IDcard india, where it is really necessary,govt does not excercise.
ID cards should not only be mandatory, but also digitized, and the person's finger prints taken of each individual. The time set may be too short, but, when India proclaims as the World's software engineers, it should not be difficult.
RE:What's wrong with it?
by anand biswas on Jan 06, 2008 10:15 AM Permalink
Good to know that sensible still exist and continue to read rediff. Thanks Mr.Ramesh Kapoor
RE:What's wrong with it?
by juan on Jan 06, 2008 09:57 AM Permalink
perfect !! u r one sane person among lot of jerks , this was proposed by NDA govt during 1999 to have ID digitized but sadly it needs huge enormous amount of money human resource and data collection n time , so they dropped the idea . It should be made at earliest without delay .