It should have been implemented some 10 years ago , it was proposed by NDA govt to have common national ID with social security no along with pan details residence driving license everything in one small card as small as sim card size . this is really important to have in our country n to tackle terrorists . it should be given free of cost without any delay n harassment , it is not going to affect and can save many lives in future from bomb blasts n terrorism . this system is not something new it is there in many other developed nations who r democratic too. If anyone got problem with it , they should four walls n stay their forever , instead of supporting govt n law agencies ,citizens itself make things difficult for govt n law agencies . Indian people r cry babies n complainers for everything they cry n complain , they dont do any thing as citizen but they know only to pull legs like crabs criticize n lazy n hypocrites . If someone really got problem with ID's cards they must stay in house forever or leave this country .and if some state wants to restrict people from other states they got full rights to do it . that is state govt policy n rules , u have to abide it ,Indians genetically find very very difficult to follow rules and abide by it . they need to be booted n hit by sticks otherwise they dont understand anything. We r just animals in form of humans who dont want to do live like civilised people , i dont know what kind of civilization we had centuries ago