Juan, you are badly in need of a good education. The constitution of India guarantees unhindered passage of all its citizens anywhere in the union - in other words, no state can decide who can enter and who cannot. It is not state govt. policy and cannot be, because it is not under their jurisdiction. Same issue with a national ID card - the cops cant randomly detain people or stop people from going anywhere unless there is just cause - in that case, get a warrant, press charges or let them go. That's how the law works in civilised nations. I guess you would rather live in Saudi Arabia...
Are you aware that a vast proportion of India's population have no papers? Some dont even have ration cards. The land they owned for generations do not have title deeds. This is true in many remote parts of the country. What do you do with them?
In the amount of tax payers money that is spent on pointless exercises like these (dont tell me a landless labourer is going to have to pay for this hi-tech ID idea of yours), you can expand and train the police force, make them better equipped and improve the intelligence gathering mechanism. Do the math - a country of 1.2 billion people - if each ID card costs even Rs 10 (will be more like 100 if you count all expenses including staff, still), that is Rs. 1200 crores, or 5-10% of our defence budget, more than what we plan to spend on the IAF modernization (buying 126 figherplanes). Use that money to improve the police force instead!