Lord God Rama walked on this earth in flesh and blood and fought with enemies of humanity for which he built the largest bridge ever connecting two major landmasses. building the bridge must have required immaculate precision as this was done in a very brief period for which heavy rocks were conveyed over great distances. this shows how scientifically the bridge building was done what we today know as Ram Setu. But how blind and foolish is the present government in trying to deny an indisputable fact (the 48-km by 1.5 km Ramsetu, now submerged is so huge that Nasa satellite picked up its images from deep space). Now I hope the government will destroy the setu and say there was never any setu. long live popery. long live congress
RE:what days have come!!
by Prem Padro on Mar 01, 2008 12:33 PM Permalink
he can of flesh and blood and be a man, walk on this earth, fight enemies etc, is OK. If he is so, he is only a man and not a lord.
RE:what days have come!!
by Anointed One on Mar 01, 2008 12:54 PM Permalink
Goswami Tulsidas applied tilak on his forehead some centuries ago. up to then he was definitely alive. so definitely he did not die.
RE:what days have come!!
by Prem Padro on Mar 01, 2008 01:07 PM Permalink
tulsidas is the one who documented or wrote history of rama, isnt it? well for discussion lets accept tilak was applied some centuries ago and he was alive then. Where is he now?, whar has been written about his end?
RE:RE:what days have come!!
by Anointed One on Mar 01, 2008 12:47 PM Permalink
even with today's advanced technology no one can build such a huge bridge so quickly and you can realize what sort of machinery it would require. Only the Lord God could have done that ages ago
RE:what days have come!!
by Sami on Mar 01, 2008 02:41 PM Permalink
you say rama the lord? one who kills an animla hiding behid bush, can he become the lord? the one who could not understand his wife is pure or not. can he become the lord? the one who seeks another gods help to confirm the purity of his wife. can he become the lord? the one who could not understand where his wife is. can he become the lord? the one who can not catch the fello who is eloping with his wife. can he become th lord?
RE:what days have come!!
by Muhammad on Mar 01, 2008 03:09 PM Permalink
i think what u need is to go to a learned person/priest to clear those doubts, posting them in the manner in which u have makes it sound more like slander than a query
RE:what days have come!!
by Abdul Narayan Smith on Mar 01, 2008 02:13 PM Permalink
what did the Lord do?... eveything was done by Hanuman... if there was no Hanuman or the vanar sena Ram would never have been able to rescue Sita...
and do u know the reason y Ram was seperated from his wife? Thats because Lord Vishnu (of whom Ram was the incarnation) had raped the wife of a sage by disguising as her husband and when she found out she cursed Vishnu that he will also have to bear the pain of seperation from his wife and right enough his incarnation Ram was had to bear the pain of being seperated fom his wife
If Taslima or Salman rusdie write some thing bad it hurt millions of muslim brothers same way if congress speak nonexistance of lord Rama it hurt Hindu also.Hence both muslim and hindu oppose the step of this bad act which is hurting both muslims and hindus.
We have learnt logic and hence demand scientific answers..fair enough..fortunatley unlike other relegions Hinduism is based on a calendar that is based on celestial events..and our scriptures have a lot of references to them..Example would be halleys comet only appears in 75 years and in a life span it appears only once..So .Varahamitra surya Sidhant gives such accurate dates that it baffles even the scientist...using celestial cycles calculates..
3228 BC-Descencion of Lord Krshn. 3102 BC Feb 17th Afternoon - Ascension of Lord Krshn(Lived on Earth for 125 years and 7 months)
What more scientific proof you want than this..
There is another thing that is about the myths that the Xtains tell us..let me give you an Ex:
The Story of Stayavarman finds its mention in the Rig Veda considered 4000 bc by the westerns and millions of years old by the indians..finds mention in the Mahabarath in 3000 bc ..and oldest being Matsya Puran which is older to Rig veda..this gets copied into
RE:We all talk about proof..scientific one
by srini srini on Mar 01, 2008 08:02 AM Permalink
bibical story of Noah Arch...and remember Matsya Puran, the Rig veda and the Mahabarath are all myth ...but ALAS NOAH ARC is realtiy6
RE:RE:We all talk about proof..scientific one
by srini srini on Mar 01, 2008 08:03 AM Permalink
Same with the creation facts from Sri Bagawatham gets copied into Creation theories of Genesis..and hey again..Sri bagawathm is a myth where as all the facts in gnesis is realtiy..
RE:We all talk about proof..scientific one
by srini srini on Mar 01, 2008 11:09 AM Permalink
You laughed laughed and laughed...you mask fell off...when somebody is presented with the moment of truth ..they laugh and laugh and laugh like you do..
You dont seem to understand simple things..your Q? was how could Feb be in 3000 bc when the roman calendar was found in 700AD ..looks like you dont seem to get simple things..any calendar system can be applied to any other calendar system provided they follow a cyclic pattern..so of somebody finds a calendar 4000 years from now..hindu as well as roman calendars can be applied to it to get relevant dates
Ramayan has references to several of these celestail events and hence it possibe to calculate dates accurately.
Looks like you dont seem to understand simple things and you laugh and laugh..keep laughing..no point in replying to you..
RE:RE:Either it is God made or Man made
by Anil C on Mar 01, 2008 04:23 AM Permalink
and what good are you going to get by destroying the bridge. take an anology. at the beach you go to theplace where the waves reach the shore. each time you make some thing in the sand , the water rushes in and levels it all. dont you think the same thing is going to happen there and you have to keep redoing things again and again....what good does it do.
RE:Either it is God made or Man made
by r patil on Mar 01, 2008 11:03 AM Permalink
your Nemesis can you give proof of jsus birth day and year,is christmas is really his birthday?Lord RAm was born and he did build the bridge.Why does the UPA ORDER FOR ASI to do the studies? dal mein kuch kala hai. One ,ore thing it is sciebifically being proved by facts that jeusu was a son to UnMarried female called Mary,from a Roman solidier called panthera,HENCE FACED WITH humilation and neglect from the society made him PHYCO suffering from PARANOID.YOU and other christains and muslims better understand this before you all become a laughing stock in eyes of your desendents.
RE:Either it is God made or Man made
by ThoondilKaaran on Mar 01, 2008 05:26 AM Permalink
The project is to create a shipping route and generate employment. People are not questioning about the viability of the project. If they study the project report, they would find that it is viable.
at the same time, every project has risk of failure. Does it mean that no body should start a project?
The Rameswaram fisherman have a tough life because they could not go out fishing in the sea because of Srilankan Navy. This will generate lot of work of them.
RE:Either it is God made or Man made
by Cool Mister on Mar 01, 2008 09:50 AM Permalink
Due to the shallow nature of the sea near the Ram Sethu, maintenance in the form of regular dredging is essential.
When you have high shipping traffic combined with regular dredging, it will drive out alll the fish from that area. The fishermen of Rameswaram will find life far tougher after the channel is opened for shipping.
by Sanjay on Mar 01, 2008 02:23 PM Permalink
Bridge is old so the sea level rose , sedimentation etc.Besides even a dredging ship could not dredge the Ram Sethu and was helpless which they had call another ship called the Hanuman to resuce the dredger. So it is not made of sand or coral, but something alot harder like stone. Besides the coincidence of it being located in very place stated in the Ramayana that Lord Ram built Ram Sethu. These facts cannot be deny.
But even then, religious belief of people do NOT need scientific proof. It belongs to a different domain. NEITHER A SECULAR STATE CAN ENCROACH THE SACRED DOMAIN.
by Your Nemesis on Mar 01, 2008 05:06 AM Permalink
Man, its really funny when you direct others to books...('upper' level book?) to know Indian history.
Mankind is just 300,000 years old. But, the dates in Ramayana said as to when Rama lived (not when it was written) is 1.7 million years old. It could have been a jurassic period at the most. And you are talking talking about 'scientific' reasons. The whole world is laughing at this Ram Sethu controversy.
by Chandra Prakash on Mar 01, 2008 05:29 AM Permalink
Your reply is okay and interesting too. But who scratch your back, man or woman ?