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We all talk about proof..scientific one
by srini srini on Mar 01, 2008 08:00 AM

We have learnt logic and hence demand scientific answers..fair enough..fortunatley unlike other relegions Hinduism is based on a calendar that is based on celestial events..and our scriptures have a lot of references to them..Example would be halleys comet only appears in 75 years and in a life span it appears only once..So .Varahamitra surya Sidhant gives such accurate dates that it baffles even the scientist...using celestial cycles calculates..

3228 BC-Descencion of Lord Krshn.
3102 BC Feb 17th Afternoon - Ascension of Lord Krshn(Lived on Earth for 125 years and 7 months)

What more scientific proof you want than this..

There is another thing that is about the myths that the Xtains tell us..let me give you an Ex:

The Story of Stayavarman finds its mention in the Rig Veda considered 4000 bc by the westerns and millions of years old by the indians..finds mention in the Mahabarath in 3000 bc ..and oldest being Matsya Puran which is older to Rig veda..this gets copied into

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