Non-violence is the most important part of our lives...nay that of the nation itself.We're the proud inheritors of Gandhian legacy. If China claims Arunachal Pradesh, let them have it...but we will not give our souls.They have already annexed Aksai chin....but why cry over not a blade of grass grows there.This was the view of our first prime minister- Jawaharlal Nehru - a true Gandhian. I compliment him for this bold stance of non-violence. Tomorrow, if they claim Assam...give it to them. After that if they claim Kolkatta, wait a minute already the present political leaders of Kolkatta see China as their fatherland.Hence it will be easy for China to take Kolkatta and West Bengal. By this message of peace and non-violence, the Chinese will be brought down to their knees; just as Bapuji brought the might of British Empire to its knees. Gandhian philosophy is not ir- relevant. It is alive and kicking.
RE:Let's remember Bapuji
by Ramanathan Umapathy on Feb 22, 2008 03:44 PM Permalink
Congress will never resolve asif it tries the old pandora box of history will get reopened and Nehru will stand naked for all his mistakes and his propensity to deal China ONLY with Kashmiri Pandits-Army/Politicians/Executives All ran for their life when chinese took over tawan in 1962 Strength recognizes strength.China is bull dozing so that we loose track of developing our ICBMs which can hit china and Politician energies are on Politics!!Let us develop ICBMs even if we have to eat grass and then only china will be polite to us Let us not do day dreaming! China will respect respect only if we stand up with power back up to their bullying!! Karat where are you?? Hiding under Brinda' s Pallu!!
RE:Let's remember Bapuji
by sudheer mahajan on Feb 27, 2008 09:44 PM Permalink
Karat is hiding under brindas pallu, sonias apron,manmohan tarban, under pranab roys ( brindas isiters husband)seat,he must have gotten a medal from his chinese masters who most probably also pays for his & brindas lifestyle traitorous commies , the papal congress ,the two jehadi yadavs must all be driven out of INDIA into their masters countries
Nehru's Footprints can be seen in most of the problems affecting India today.
Permit license raj, betrayal of Tibetians, referring kashmir to UN, linguistic vivisection of India - India's worst enemies could not have prayed for worser leadership to a newly independent nation.
We need the BJP - BJP of Narendra Bhai Modiji not that of Atal Behari Vajpayee to take on India's problems.
RE:BJP must take up the cause and start a massive movement in India against this appeasement of China by Congress
by Himanshu Rajgor on Feb 18, 2008 10:45 PM Permalink
BJP also should take up the cause of Hindus who are being ran out of Bengal and Assam by Muslims from Bangladesh.
From times immoreal the States of Northeast and regions beyond the northeastern region including but not limited to the provinces of Bayi Zhen, Nyinghi,Nedona and Lhasa have belonged to BarathVarsh.
Not very long ago...Arjun during his banishment by Duryodhan during 3000 BC went to the north eastern states and married Chitrangada and had a son named Babruvahan to whom princess Uloopi taught the art of warfare.
Princess Uloopi had herself a son from Arjun named Iravat.
During the Mahabarath War of 3139 BC Babruvahan and his army from the northeasten states that includes the Arunachals, Nagas from Nagaland, the armies of Mizoram and Tripura and tribes from provinces of Bayi Zehn, Nyinghi, Nedona and territories deep inside China have said to have fought for the Pandavas to given them the throne of Hastinapur.
With so much of antiqueness and historicity interwoven between Arunachal and other northeastern states with BarathVarsh including provinces of China...what gives the communist the nerve to say Arunachal is disputed..let alone belonging to them
In fact its the other way round..the territories of Bayi Zhen, Nyingchi,Nedona, Lhasa are all disputed and rightfully to be owned by the kingdom of Hastinapur Currently named New Delhi..
The Ramayana is considered older than the Mahabharata.
There are athentic descrition of North Eastern India in the Ramayana.
As you explained, its full of references in the Mahabharata.
Mamoni Raison, noted Assamese author, has boldly said, its the Ramayana and Mahabharata which binds NE with rest of India. Its true for rest of India too.
China claims Arunachal Pradesh on the basis of cutural affinity ( read as monetary donations) of people of Arunachal Pradesh with Tibetan monastries and temples. Now china has occupied Tibet illegally. how can they claim Arunachal Pradesh on the basis of something that they possess illegally in the first place?? It is high time India should take a tough stand against China on this non issue. Further, India has accepted Kashmir as disputed territory between Pakistan and India. Then how can China occupy some parts of Kashmir ( handed to them by their foot lickers in our neighbourhood). India should ask China to vacate Kashmir first because they cannot lease or capture or buy or take control of disputed territory ... Are you listening Mr Manmohan Singh..??
RE:False chinese claims
by r patil on Feb 13, 2008 01:40 AM Permalink
No he wont listen,Attatar i have read many of your post though you dislike hinduism and brahmins,i must admit you to feel same for our nation.Read towdays Indian express arun shouries article.
One can not blame China for shallow-brain out puts of Indian leaders. China has a long term strategy to enhance it's territory while India has non. if the same type of Tibet, Sikkim, AUrnachall, J & K encroaching continues then some day China might demand Delhi as they have travelled to there even for negotiation. This Gandhian Philosohy doesn't work in this world of ours. Like one of the great DAV College Jullunder, India pricipal( Was he Suraj Bjan?) floated an essay saying," IF YOU WANT PEACE BE PREPARED FOR WAR". That thought made sense then and it makes it now! China says it will help India with Nuclear Deal Or UN Seat--- Like hell they will. It's a deceptive game-- as a standard part of China's inner-core strategy to derail India of it's most important and current thought. China knows that India being am immatured democracy-- the next government will dismental the doings of previous ones and with no records or coordination they will be able to dog every new Indian Administartion when it comes to power. You have parties in India: Congress for Congress;BJP for BJP; Communists for Communists: Akalis for Akalis; Mullaahs to Issue Fatwaas; Gujratis for Gujratis: Thakries for Mumbi etc., and etc. Actually,THERE IS NO REAL PART WHO IS FOR INDIA-- except the INDIAN DEFENSE FORCES. They all are FRICKING thieves & Crooks--- whereas Chinese have a party: EVERY CHINESE ADMINISTRATION FOR CHINA and to be thorn in India's side.
Why not India recognize Taiwan? It will be a fitting reply to China. Taiwan will be far more friendly towards India than China. China is a dragon -not literally but actually. But what can you expect from a dilly-dally useless and weak govt which is backed by China's own party - CPM?
RE:China's belligerence towards India
by Davinder Duggal on Feb 12, 2008 11:15 PM Permalink
Because every Indian political party think of themselves and their own perks. These politicians, actually have no time or interest to think for future generation of India. As, they all have (for the most part) have lodged their future generations in the Westren countries. India is just a business venture for all these crooked politicians. Just check it out amd make a list of all poiticians and where their kids are? Start with Bhai Manmohan singh and Parvez Mushraff on the other side. Any way, Jai Hind-- Hey Gandhi, where are you-- pleasde come out of your grave and bring along, NEHRU, PATEL, AZAD, KAIRON to help rebuild this India and drown all the current politicians in Flood or make them victim of some disease or earthquake-- BOTH IN INDIA & PAKISTAN! Jai Hind & ALLAH Hu Akabar!
The danger is more from China the Pak. When will our govt stand up and take a decision on its stance with China. Are we going to let China believe we are soft, and it can walk over us again, as it did in '62?