Because every Indian political party think of themselves and their own perks. These politicians, actually have no time or interest to think for future generation of India. As, they all have (for the most part) have lodged their future generations in the Westren countries. India is just a business venture for all these crooked politicians. Just check it out amd make a list of all poiticians and where their kids are? Start with Bhai Manmohan singh and Parvez Mushraff on the other side. Any way, Jai Hind-- Hey Gandhi, where are you-- pleasde come out of your grave and bring along, NEHRU, PATEL, AZAD, KAIRON to help rebuild this India and drown all the current politicians in Flood or make them victim of some disease or earthquake-- BOTH IN INDIA & PAKISTAN! Jai Hind & ALLAH Hu Akabar!