From times immoreal the States of Northeast and regions beyond the northeastern region including but not limited to the provinces of Bayi Zhen, Nyinghi,Nedona and Lhasa have belonged to BarathVarsh.
Not very long ago...Arjun during his banishment by Duryodhan during 3000 BC went to the north eastern states and married Chitrangada and had a son named Babruvahan to whom princess Uloopi taught the art of warfare.
Princess Uloopi had herself a son from Arjun named Iravat.
During the Mahabarath War of 3139 BC Babruvahan and his army from the northeasten states that includes the Arunachals, Nagas from Nagaland, the armies of Mizoram and Tripura and tribes from provinces of Bayi Zehn, Nyinghi, Nedona and territories deep inside China have said to have fought for the Pandavas to given them the throne of Hastinapur.
With so much of antiqueness and historicity interwoven between Arunachal and other northeastern states with BarathVarsh including provinces of China...what gives the communist the nerve to say Arunachal is disputed..let alone belonging to them
In fact its the other way round..the territories of Bayi Zhen, Nyingchi,Nedona, Lhasa are all disputed and rightfully to be owned by the kingdom of Hastinapur Currently named New Delhi..