i have been noticing since last few days that we north indians are making lot of noise against the leader of almost non existing party. instead of that why cant we think about changing our states (up, bihar) son of soil issue will always be there...wherever you go this issue will be there. no place is exception to this. even developed countries are no exception. so it is important for north indians to think about north indian state development. be united, vote for the better governance not cast or religion (we all know how we vote in elections), be optimistic...we can improve....
RE:north indian..
by on Feb 08, 2008 06:38 AM Permalink
Let's cool down and think for a while. I am marathi, and I say Raj's means were wrong, and Mumbai is for all Indians, and current violence warrants arrest of Raj. Having said that let's look at some facts. Population of Mumbai : 60 lakhs north Indians, 20 lakh south indians, 30 lakhs marathi & gujrathi speaking each. Now tell me which metropolitan city in India, or for that matter in the world would have natives reduced to minority in their own states with this magnitude. Even here I don't have problem, as Indians they can go wherever, can celebrate whatever their heart desires. It's their right. But now let' try to inject politics in it, and see how it looks. There are here great, but is it not fair to expect them to promote native langauge, culture. Now that north Indians have reached critical mass, they vote enblock to their learders form UP. Now tell me what business has Mulyam Singh Yadav, Amar Singh has holding political parties. Is it because they know they are getting northies votes. These are the same people who voted them in their UP and Bihar and look what they have done to their states. This is the rael problem. We may call Raj a chuvanist and clean the real problem under carpet, but unless the root cause is addressed, there will be Raj in every prosperous state. And for this to discontinue, the people who move should blend in native culture and be part of it by keeping their own identity, and not elect or promote same goons they have elected in their home state.
RE:north indian..
by Raja Subramanian on Feb 08, 2008 09:50 AM Permalink
The law of the land is same for one and all. If you are so concerned that the North Indian population has reached its critical mass, when and where was it said that one should not migrate to another state within a free country. What about all the Maharashtrian folk in places like Tanjore, Hyderabad and so forth? What about them being a majority in Belgaum? And what about Telugu people in parts of Karnataka and vice versa? India is a fabric of many cultures and future generations will only evolve to form newer cultures... so, your theory that a particular region should only speak a particular language and have an absolutely majority of one single culture is biased. Pointing out problems is easy, why don't you stop whining about facts and give a suitable solution that could resolve the problem..?
RE:north indian..
by Bhaumik on Feb 08, 2008 11:26 AM Permalink
Deepak, you are either unaware or evade the special status of Mumbai before it became part of Maharashtra.
Mumbai was not part of Maharashtra in those days and was the joint capital of Gujarat and Maharashtra. before that Mumbai was the capital of the province which included both provinces and much more. It was also the business capital of British India where people from all over the sub-continent flocked, among them South Indians and people from areas which are now in pakistan.
When Mumbai became part of Maharashtra, Maharsahtra took over a legacy. If it did not want the legacy-population that Mumbai brought along,Maharsahtra could have rejected Mumbai with its majority non-Marathi speaking population. It cannot have it both ways.
In fact the population of Maharashtrians in Mumbai has only increased after Mumbai was made part of Maharshtra. The then existing inhabitants did not protest that increase. So, who is the aggrieved party here, if such aggrievences have any value, which I do not think it has.
Incidentally, the original inhabitants were not Marathas/ Marathi-speaking people from the mainland, but were the Kolis whom lived on all the seven islands of Mumbai. All these people who make divisive noises now, including the Thackarey family, are recent migrants to Mumbai. Out they should go by their own logic, if such divisive tendencies are to be tolerated, which it should not be.
Like the RSS inspired divisive sectarianism is curse on developing India, Shivasena i
RE:RE:north indian..
by Bhaumik on Feb 08, 2008 11:28 AM Permalink
..is a curse on Maharashtra. Ill-wishers of maharahstra wants Shivsena to grow and destroy the state.
Your logic in comparing thye demography of other capital cities is entirely flase.
RE:RE:RE:north indian..
by Bhaumik on Feb 08, 2008 11:30 AM Permalink
Ooops!.. your logic in comparing the demography of other capital cities with that of Mumbai is entirely false.
RE:north indian..
by Ajay on Feb 08, 2008 05:54 AM Permalink
So this justify everything Raj thakre is doing. Then people from Maharstar go out side their state. Like going abroad for work. Do you think Maraheis working US and other places should be treated same. And what is so great about Maharastra. It is just like any other state in Inida. And each state needs a lot of development.
RE:north indian..
by Rajeev on Feb 08, 2008 06:21 AM Permalink
Maharashtra rocks !! Thats why every UP/Bihari wants to come here. Every railway minister does an annual duty of starting a train from mumbai to bihar/UP. Thats their concept of development.
Why in the world is the govt. seeking legal advise in the first place? It is an open and well-known fact that Raj Thackeray has openly threatened people, attacked the folk who were doing their daily jobs, and created unrest in Maharashtra by unleasing his posse of goons. If any of us had done this, would the govt. have waited for someone's opinion to arrest us..? As a matter of fact we would have been arrested, locked in prison and forgotten all about. Raj Thackeray and his ilk should understand this is a free country (we don't need visas to go from one state to the other); they should stand-up to fair competition if they have the guts. These spineless troublemakers should be punished to the fullest extent of law for all the trouble they have created.
by AlarmedAquarian on Feb 08, 2008 06:20 AM Permalink
People who think like Raj and Bal thakre should be publically stoned to death. But Maraharsta pulic is acting as if they work for Raj thakre. Fogget about people from other state. What will happen to people from Maharastra when such people will do same with Marathi people.
by Konkan Putra on Feb 08, 2008 06:14 AM Permalink
Raja please accept a daily load of 4000 Hindi speaking Illietarte Bhaiyas from UP-Bihar in Tamilnadu every day. withing 10 years Chennai will again turn in MADRAS. Hindi would be the language spoken on the streets. Tamilians would be a minority. lets talk aftar that.
by Raja Subramanian on Feb 08, 2008 09:38 AM Permalink
Hello there Konkan, this really is not about someone speaking Hindi, Tamil or some other language in a place. Had that been a concern, where according to you, languages could erode a culture, you should take substantial steps to overcome the problem. Set up schools, have signages in Marathi and so forth. But to attack common folk on the street is not a sign of democracy - it is akin to what Hitler did to the Jews last century, we should learn from there. One more thing, my family is from Tamil Nadu, and we migrated to Maharashtra several decades ago - I was born here, had my education here, and speak fluently in Marathi. I've always worked here, and have paid taxes to the Maharashtra govt. I rarely ever think about Tamil Nadu (Chennai for you!), and the only thing that remains is my name. Mumbai is full of millions of people like me (I consider myself a Maharashtrian if not a Maratha), and we have learned to survive. So what does it make me..? You should have logic in your thoughts and deed, and focus on this issue first as a human being, and then as a countryman belonging to Republic of India... farewell and good luck.
RE:People like Raj and Bal thakre dividing nation.
by PREMJITH DESARATHAN on Feb 08, 2008 06:08 AM Permalink
u must be right but see the otherside if bala and raj is not there then muslims would finished mumbai and we hindus will not do what we want so dont say against raj and bal
It is possible that Raj Thakeray has been bribed by some christians to talk like that.
Western-white-christians with the help of local christians and other misguided and bribed people are trying to weaken and break-up non-christians, because their ultimate aim is to kill every body except western-white-christians, and take over the whole earth for its land and resources.
Muslims have their own but similar agenda.
For proof read "Jesus is ravana" at myspace.com/vidhu2
RE:Jesus is ravana & allah is kumbhakaran
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Feb 08, 2008 06:08 AM Permalink
jesus or allah as ravana is better than lord krishna who saw naked ladies bathe and introduced first live porn show in this earth.see krishna introdoced live porn @ my space .com.lol
RE:Jesus is ravana & allah is kumbhakaran
by AlarmedAquarian on Feb 08, 2008 06:22 AM Permalink
People who think like Raj and Bal thakre should be publically stoned to death. But Maraharsta pulic is acting as if they work for Raj thakre. Fogget about people from other state. What will happen to people from Maharastra when such people will do same with Marathi people.
Where does this madness ends? You throw out poor people from UP/bihar out of Maharashtra. Fine...one day you will get thrown out of Gujarat or Bangalore!!! Don't complain when US or European government discriminates against you...or the whites hurl racial abuse against you. You will get what you sow. Sheer idiots...this problem is a human problem, and not of UP/Bihar. It happens in all strata of a society. Poor migrate to where they can find their bread. It is a problem brought about by poor governance and planning. Tomorrow if all UP/Bihar guys are out of Maharashtra, the guns will move to other set of poors from some other state...and if all the non-Maharshtrians are driven out of Maharashtra..then they will fight between those from Vidharbha and those not. The fight never ends and so is the stupidity and ignorance...
by Milind on Feb 08, 2008 05:33 AM Permalink
Very well said. Politicians need issues to survive or to develop a base. Udhav is trying his uncles old Mantra. Mumbai definitely is tearing at its seams with all the influx. The solution however is legislative and not to divide us against each other. The influx is beneficial and both harmfull to Mumbai. Harmfull from a infrastructure perspective (if anyone is stupid enough to talk about x people vs y people are better, your are among the lowest strata of human existence and this response does not concern you). Solution to the problem: 1)Control the number of people coming in 2)Control who comes in based on their value addition 3)There should be some kind of tax that newer people should pay that should go towards the development of Mumbais infrastructure. 4)Also people who benefit the most from the migrants should pay even more (irrespective of how long they have lived in Mumbai) e.g A part of your taxi fair, a part of your income if you own 10 Cabs or more (does'nt matter how long you lived in Mumbai).
Ideally in a democracy anyone should be able to move any where without fear and intimidation. But this is a practical suggestion. Its not perfect, I would like to hear if anyone has a way of perfecting it.
E dil hai mushkil, hai zina yaha, zara has ke zara bach ke yeh hai Mumbai meri jaan!
by Ajay on Feb 08, 2008 05:29 AM Permalink
Very true. There is no doubt about it. First indians fight from british. Then hindu muslim. And now maharastrian and non-maharastrian. Next step will be amoung Maharastrian.
prosecute him in U.P. for all the collateral damage done because of his speech ..loss of life, propoerty etc ..if law takes it course he should spend rest of life in some jail in UP