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RE:north indian..
by Raja Subramanian on Feb 08, 2008 09:50 AM

The law of the land is same for one and all. If you are so concerned that the North Indian population has reached its critical mass, when and where was it said that one should not migrate to another state within a free country. What about all the Maharashtrian folk in places like Tanjore, Hyderabad and so forth? What about them being a majority in Belgaum? And what about Telugu people in parts of Karnataka and vice versa? India is a fabric of many cultures and future generations will only evolve to form newer cultures... so, your theory that a particular region should only speak a particular language and have an absolutely majority of one single culture is biased. Pointing out problems is easy, why don't you stop whining about facts and give a suitable solution that could resolve the problem..?

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