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RE:north indian..
by Bhaumik on Feb 08, 2008 11:26 AM

Deepak, you are either unaware or evade the special status of Mumbai before it became part of Maharashtra.

Mumbai was not part of Maharashtra in those days and was the joint capital of Gujarat and Maharashtra. before that Mumbai was the capital of the province which included both provinces and much more. It was also the business capital of British India where people from all over the sub-continent flocked, among them South Indians and people from areas which are now in pakistan.

When Mumbai became part of Maharashtra, Maharsahtra took over a legacy. If it did not want the legacy-population that Mumbai brought along,Maharsahtra could have rejected Mumbai with its majority non-Marathi speaking population. It cannot have it both ways.

In fact the population of Maharashtrians in Mumbai has only increased after Mumbai was made part of Maharshtra. The then existing inhabitants did not protest that increase. So, who is the aggrieved party here, if such aggrievences have any value, which I do not think it has.

Incidentally, the original inhabitants were not Marathas/ Marathi-speaking people from the mainland, but were the Kolis whom lived on all the seven islands of Mumbai. All these people who make divisive noises now, including the Thackarey family, are recent migrants to Mumbai. Out they should go by their own logic, if such divisive tendencies are to be tolerated, which it should not be.

Like the RSS inspired divisive sectarianism is curse on developing India, Shivasena i

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