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Another way to convert
by Chandramouly V on Aug 07, 2008 11:21 AM  Permalink 

This is another of those tactics to fool people and convert them on the guise that Bible is similar to all scriptures. Stop this nonsense and make Probagation of any religion unconstitutional.

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Why all this?
by Abbas Rescued on Aug 06, 2008 11:18 AM  Permalink 

Why dont you simply allow native culturs and religions to survive? Why this invasionist mentality and now trying to give a local touch to an alien religion and culture... Whatever it is, at the end of the day everyone inherits something that is unique for his culture from his / her forefathers... And Hinduism is that unique thing for all of us... I am not sure why an Indian bible should be written now when we have more ancient Indian philogophy in this country...

Anyways, at the end of the day, nothing makes a difference.. Life goes on... I hope the realization we Hindus have - that of life is transient and the only thing that is certain is our death - is also realized by Muslims and Christians of this world and there is nothing called right or wrong from the "Gods point of view"... If indeed there was God and he was creating everything (a view held by Christians and Muslims as against the Hindu view of creation as a process that flows from Maya and the supreme power does not exercise control only to exhibit His / Her power but lets the Maya flow to decide its own destiny) why did he have to crate inequalities and what makes him not to destroy the evil which he indeed is advising all his creations to fight against? What He could not subvert how does He expect His creations to control and subvert? If so then are His creations not more powerful than Himsef?

And so as a true Hindu I would like to conclude 'this too shall pass'...

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Fooling people and God
by Srinivas vishnu on Aug 06, 2008 09:47 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The Upanishads and all talk about knowing God, but they stress that You can never know God by reading or knowledge, but only through Meditation. Religions on the other hand had been propagating speudo-Gods through bibles and other texts and causing hatred and egoistic tendencies knowingly in populations.
If they find parallels from Gita and sanatana Dharma in Bible, then Bible, which had come at a latter stage is certainly a plagiarist work intended to transfer the knowledge of the Ancient land to the ignorant of the West.

If you wanted really to find God, then forget about Gita or Bible and Meditate on the Heart with the thought of the Omni-Pervasive-Infinite, accepting him as your teacher, Guru and Guide. Then see the results for yourself after 1 year of such practice daily twice for 1 hr, early morning and evening. He does not have to have a form or name, But for simplicity, you can take him as light in your heart. Remember, light can only be seen only when it reflects on something, but even in darkness, there is light.

Religion is only a Humbug, and Islam and Christianity are more so, as they make people accept only their ideologies as God, and others as false.

I wonder What God was before these religions, and How people survived with the false God(s) before them(according to them). But certainly, world was more peaceful before these religions have come. And they have been originated almost at about the same time and almost at same place.

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Re: Re: Fooling people and God
by marvin patrick gray on Sep 01, 2008 04:11 PM  Permalink
a lot of Hindus and other people in India consider their Teacher or Guru as God, which i think is a very foolish thing on their part. if you say that Bible came at a later stage than Gita or other Hindu text, you are wrong. we Indians should never forget that Ramayana and Mahabharata are epics ; same like Shakespeare's plays of comtemparory times, written much later. Hindus confuse mythology with religion, take epic-heroes as gods, is again sad and not correct. so stop using terms 'false gods' as 80 crore odd hindus will be hurt, not us , christians. God was always before any religion. Christians were known as christians after Christ,however, they believed on God almighty since the beginning.

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Re: Re: Re: Fooling people and God
by Guest on Aug 09, 2009 09:02 AM  Permalink
For all we know, Jesus Christ is also a myth. It happened 2000 years ago and no one can say what happened then clearly. The Christians want to pretend that they are really sure of what happened to Jesus and refuse to admit for instance, that he came to India to seek spirituality from the Sages living in the Himalayas. If we are hazy about what happened then, clearly, the documentation is hazier with the older religions like Hinduism. If there really is a God, you can call him Shiva, Krishna, Allah, Jesus or anyone and He will respond. He is not going to take offense and say that I am going to send him to hell for calling me by some other name. Christians are confused in that they think there are several Gods out there and Jesus is the most powerful one. And, they try to capture more votes to their political party.
You are right that God was always before any religion and Jesus is one of the self-realized people out there. He himself has said that he is not really a God. If he is a God, he is the same one that others call as Allah, Shiva, Krishna, etc.

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if they go on a bit by bit like this say
by Gajanan Mohite on Aug 06, 2008 09:47 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Brihad Upanishad
Ashtavraka Gita
Gita as it is
Sam Ved

Then it will be total Hindusim.
Future this may happen.

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Re: if they go on a bit by bit like this say
by marvin patrick gray on Sep 01, 2008 04:23 PM  Permalink
this is just your dream. our vision is to take Jesus Christ word to the nations. the day is not far when you will see it.

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example of conversion ..fooling innocent tribals
by p s on Aug 06, 2008 09:15 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

there was a missonary who took his car in one of the tribal area.

the missonary turned off the car engine and went to the local tribals for help telling them that his car needed a push to get started.

A group of innocent tribals went to help the missionary. The tribals pushed the car but it wont start because the crooked missonary have evil thoughts of converting the tribals to christianity.

Then the missonary asked the tribals to ask for help from their God and pray to get the car started.

The tribals followed the missionary instruction and prayed then pushed the car butthe car would not start (Evil missionaary had turned the engine off).

Now the missionary asked them that only a real god would help to get the car started.

The missionary said that they can try praying his god Jesus Christ and see if his god listen to their prayers.

So the innocent tribals prayed to christ for help and pushed and the evil missionary turned the ignition on and the car started.

The missionary said that christ was a real god and the god of the tribals was fake otherwise the car would have started when the tribals prayed to their god.

There are so many real life incidents on how the evil missionaries get the tribals converted to christianity.

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RE:example of conversion ..fooling innocent tribals
by krishna kumar sinha on Aug 06, 2008 09:10 PM  Permalink
This is not a fictional story; there are several similar instances which one comes across in real life when one probes about conversion of poor illerate villagers. But what enlightenment all this ultimately brings?

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RE:example of conversion ..fooling innocent tribals
by west on Aug 06, 2008 10:26 PM  Permalink
next time the tribals must choke up the exhaust that it doesn't start

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Re: example of conversion ..fooling innocent tribals
by marvin patrick gray on Sep 01, 2008 04:32 PM  Permalink
bro, this is just a story cooked by some VHP or a Bajrang Dal chief, and is trying to fool you hindus who are taught good but made to follow evil. throw off the green-shade that has been laid in front of your eyes. People who worship snake, cow, birds and mammals are the biggest fools. they should try ending the evil in their society; dowry, prostition, polygamy, rather than looking to the affairs of other people. We will take good news to the nations; not only to tribals but also to the senators.

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by Mind Clear on Aug 05, 2008 11:42 PM  Permalink
Neither archaic religion, nor pseudo modernity can save humanity. People who will continue to succeed are the one's who will keep on pushing their body and mind, to excel in skills, knowledge, performance and productivity and seek the same in others. Organized religion is organized madness. That's why all developed countries are secular and have one-law, uniform civil code, gender equality and keep their focus on passion, performance and productivity using people, resources, priorities. Conversion is confusion; just waste of time and energy.

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by ashok kumar on Aug 06, 2008 05:05 AM  Permalink
Developed countries do not have 160 million muslims.

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by Abbas Rescued on Aug 06, 2008 11:20 AM  Permalink
Guess you are too biased... I am a Hindu... I dont think Muslims alone are responsible for the state of affairs in India... 85% of us are us Hindus and we are more responsible for the state of affairs...

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To Sridhar Gorantla
by crazyforsense on Aug 05, 2008 11:10 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies


You are a wise and mature person. I think you have found the essence of a religion, I would think you have found tranquility.

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RE:To Sridhar Gorantla
by sridhar gorantla on Aug 06, 2008 12:37 AM  Permalink
Thankyou crazyforsense.

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