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example of conversion ..fooling innocent tribals
by p s on Aug 06, 2008 09:15 AM

there was a missonary who took his car in one of the tribal area.

the missonary turned off the car engine and went to the local tribals for help telling them that his car needed a push to get started.

A group of innocent tribals went to help the missionary. The tribals pushed the car but it wont start because the crooked missonary have evil thoughts of converting the tribals to christianity.

Then the missonary asked the tribals to ask for help from their God and pray to get the car started.

The tribals followed the missionary instruction and prayed then pushed the car butthe car would not start (Evil missionaary had turned the engine off).

Now the missionary asked them that only a real god would help to get the car started.

The missionary said that they can try praying his god Jesus Christ and see if his god listen to their prayers.

So the innocent tribals prayed to christ for help and pushed and the evil missionary turned the ignition on and the car started.

The missionary said that christ was a real god and the god of the tribals was fake otherwise the car would have started when the tribals prayed to their god.

There are so many real life incidents on how the evil missionaries get the tribals converted to christianity.

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