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Re: Re: Re: Fooling people and God
by Guest on Aug 09, 2009 09:02 AM

For all we know, Jesus Christ is also a myth. It happened 2000 years ago and no one can say what happened then clearly. The Christians want to pretend that they are really sure of what happened to Jesus and refuse to admit for instance, that he came to India to seek spirituality from the Sages living in the Himalayas. If we are hazy about what happened then, clearly, the documentation is hazier with the older religions like Hinduism. If there really is a God, you can call him Shiva, Krishna, Allah, Jesus or anyone and He will respond. He is not going to take offense and say that I am going to send him to hell for calling me by some other name. Christians are confused in that they think there are several Gods out there and Jesus is the most powerful one. And, they try to capture more votes to their political party.
You are right that God was always before any religion and Jesus is one of the self-realized people out there. He himself has said that he is not really a God. If he is a God, he is the same one that others call as Allah, Shiva, Krishna, etc.

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Bible with reference to Hindu scriptures