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by Vishnu Sharma on Sep 14, 2007 04:44 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Even before the cold war unwound in 1989-1991, China had begun sweeping Burma into its sphere of influence with a combination of economic, diplomatic, and military ties. China was the first country to come to the assistance of Burma's reviled and isolated ruling junta after it came to power in 1988. By mid-1993, it was estimated that the Burmese junta had acquired $1.4 billion worth of tanks, aircraft, artillery, and other arms from China. The junta, which has been chronically short of foreign exchange, obtained the arms on undisclosed but highly favorable terms.(6) Indian government officials say that Burma, in turn, has, among other things, granted China access to a reconnaissance facility on Great Coco Island in the Bay of Bengal where it can monitor Indian naval and air activities. There are also unconfirmed but persistent reports that China has agreed to construct a deepwater port in Burma on the understanding that the Chinese navy could have access to the port.
Now this means serious trouble on our EASTERN FLANK.
The Indian Army needs to seriously consider
Invading Burma and installing a Democratic
and Friendly Government there.
We need to TIME our actions Perfectly
Sometime during the Beijing Games when China's Eyes are else where Or when China is engaged with Taiwan.
A Lightning strike by Indian Army Units supported by Airpower and Naval units to the South.
The Indian Army needs to seriously think of forming a MARINE wing of half a million troops.

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by Vishnu Sharma on Sep 14, 2007 04:54 AM  Permalink
Take a Look at the Map of Burma:

The Topology favors us. The side bordering China
has a series of Mountains.
We need Land, Air, Naval,Marine and Alpine forces to bring about the subjugation of Burma.
Once this is done.
We can Install Aung San Kyu Yi as Head of state.
The Burmese people will welcome us as liberators.

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by Venkatesa Prabhu on Sep 14, 2007 06:05 AM  Permalink
I am not so certain ... we helped the Bangladeshi people and today we all know the real situation ... China would do anything to create problems for India ... Besides, their moutain divisions outnubmer us by a factor of 7 ... your theory is too simplistic ... yes, we should strengthen our forces on the eastern flank ... but the thought of lightning strike is quite ridiculous.

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by Pratip Sen Gupta on Sep 14, 2007 06:10 AM  Permalink
Remember Bangladesh? 36 years ago we were welcomed as liberators. The euphoria faded very quickly. Bangladesh is now openly anti India and harbors terrorist and other enemies of India.

The lesson there is that India must not meddle with other countries but spend its money and efforts to become economically strong and eradicate many of its social evils.

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by Vishnu Sharma on Sep 14, 2007 10:14 AM  Permalink
The problem with Bangladesh was that we withdrew our Army from there.
We should have worked out an arrangement with Mujib where we handle defense and foreign affairs of Bangladesh while they concentrate on Parliamentary democracy and their economy.
The same we have with Bhutan.
It was foolish to release 90,000 Paki prisoners also.
Anyway, Burmese are really fed up with the Military regime which has denied all freedom.
What I want is this.
We need Massive Indian Armed forces Presence on the Eastern flank.
I want Indian Army to be 5 million strong with
18 Armoured *Tank* divisions Consisting of 9000 tanks
9 Alpine Divisions, with Specialized units who can operate in Winter conditions.
3 Paratroop divisions.
9 Motorized Infantry
We need a special Desert force in the West called the Thar Corps which will consist of
5 of the Nine Armored divisions trained specially to fight in Desert Conditions.
Half a Million MARINES who will work in Tandem with our Navy.
Our Airforce should expand to be three times its current size.
Our Navy needs a couple of Aircraft Carriers
in addition to the one we have.
We need a strong submarine force of 75-100 Submarines, 4 of which are Nuclear.

Once we Augment our forces like this no one will
try to pull our tail.

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good observation
by Peace on Sep 14, 2007 04:41 AM  Permalink 


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Sardar is fool!
by Dr.Susana on Sep 14, 2007 04:27 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The sardar is a pro western guy because they gave a free scholarship for his phd at oxford and also a honorary doctorate.

He is fooling and we have to have safegaurds from him selling our nation go ferangies again !!!!!!!!!!!

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RE:Sardar is fool!
by raj on Sep 14, 2007 08:32 PM  Permalink
Hellooooooo DR.SUSANA. How did you get your "DOCTOR" degree? It takes one to know the other. Get life. Do you have any clue about Oxford? Sorry MS.COMMIE. Come up with something better.

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RE:Sardar is fool!
by sunil Rawat on Sep 14, 2007 05:52 AM  Permalink
Is there anything wrong being pro-western unless you choose to live in cave and stone age ?? !!

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Choose your friends..
by Samia Baig on Sep 14, 2007 04:06 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It's a good advice from Carrot, but a bit too late. Wish he had stated this BEFORE Singh choose him and his party as friends...

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RE:Choose your friends..
by Nel on Sep 14, 2007 04:17 AM  Permalink
Good one. But congress is hungry for power so they are tolerating this Carrotsss

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RE:Choose your friends..
by blue wrox on Sep 14, 2007 04:32 AM  Permalink
karrot should be showed in yechuris ass for making fool of indians.Blackmail by carrot crap.

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RE:Choose your friends..
by bharat pandya on Sep 14, 2007 04:39 AM  Permalink
it is a good advise.Congredd should have thoyught twicw before brgrirnding these red guis,

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by khatta sambhar on Sep 14, 2007 03:39 AM  Permalink 

Win an IPOD Match the correct ones
RAVAN = PAK & com
Kumbhakarna = CHINA

Win an IPOD nano Match the correct ones

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Reservation Zindabad
by DR on Sep 14, 2007 03:26 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

We need to bring in 60% reservation in India. Current reservation policy is not helping the society

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RE:Reservation Zindabad
by Mayankgwl on Sep 14, 2007 04:13 AM  Permalink
you shown that you are from a reserved category as you said. This shows your reserved mentality. You people cant think normally so reservation give you this type of handicappedness. so be aware my friend think at least well after getting reservation

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RE:Reservation Zindabad
by Krishna Karedla on Sep 14, 2007 05:47 AM  Permalink
why not make everything reserved...

100%. then nobody will fight.

100% for everyone.

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by khatta sambhar on Sep 14, 2007 03:06 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

First of all I want to Congratulate to you all guys to come to such a quick concusion. I think tis is a record, Indians have never achiebed this in 1000 years. I feel very happy that every one here has the same opinion abt who shld be our friend and enemy.
But this unusually quick opinion amomg the net access having people remind me of two incidents.When Ravana was informed by his brother vibhushan that Rama will atttack Lanka and burn it to ash and dust if he diesnot returns his wife Every one laughed at him. He was quiqly declared as traitor without having any practical thoughts coming in from any one there. Rest is History.
Another account comes to my mind is how the Kauravas were over joyed when Lord Krishna picked Arjun and gave his mighty Army and assets to Kauaravas for the war. Rest is History.
My dear friends if Foreign policy of India was diceded by Quick Fools then GOD Help India. "Please Ponder a while". Long live India.. Jai Hind.

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Message deleted by moderator
by rama prasad on Sep 14, 2007 03:19 AM  Permalink
Indian Jai Hind. Looks like u r banned from rediff from posting ur comments and u opened a new account to put ur lousy comment. Enjoy buddy

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by Ratnesh Sahay on Sep 14, 2007 03:21 AM  Permalink
What about you, do you think you will stay. You will also be gone.

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by Nav on Sep 14, 2007 03:13 AM  Permalink
This shows how good u r in HISTORY (Ramayana & Mahabharat are epic not HISTORY)

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When it comes to Russia or China.. Communists will say YES
by harish subramanian on Sep 14, 2007 03:05 AM  Permalink 

I Understand, we should not abide by all the US regulations. But leftists are completely biased, when it comes to US. They simply fight for nothing. Thats not correct. May be its a pressure from their chinese friends. Idiots

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by khatta sambhar on Sep 14, 2007 03:05 AM  Permalink 

First of all I want to Congratulate to you all guys to come to such a quick concusion. I think tis is a record, Indians have never achiebed this in 1000 years. I feel very happy that every one here has the same opinion abt who shld be our friend and enemy.
But this unusually quick opinion amomg the net access having people remind me of two incidents.When Ravana was informed by his brother vibhushan that Rama will atttack Lanka and burn it to ash and dust if he diesnot returns his wife Every one laughed at him. He was quiqly declared as traitor without having any practical thoughts coming in from any one there. Rest is History.
Another account comes to my mind is how the Kauravas were over joyed when Lord Krishna picked Arjun and gave his mighty Army and assets to Kauaravas for the war. Rest is History.
My dear friends if Foreign policy of India was diceded by Quick Fools then GOD Help India. "Please Ponder a while". Long live India.. Jai Hind.

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