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by Vishnu Sharma on Sep 14, 2007 04:44 AM

Even before the cold war unwound in 1989-1991, China had begun sweeping Burma into its sphere of influence with a combination of economic, diplomatic, and military ties. China was the first country to come to the assistance of Burma's reviled and isolated ruling junta after it came to power in 1988. By mid-1993, it was estimated that the Burmese junta had acquired $1.4 billion worth of tanks, aircraft, artillery, and other arms from China. The junta, which has been chronically short of foreign exchange, obtained the arms on undisclosed but highly favorable terms.(6) Indian government officials say that Burma, in turn, has, among other things, granted China access to a reconnaissance facility on Great Coco Island in the Bay of Bengal where it can monitor Indian naval and air activities. There are also unconfirmed but persistent reports that China has agreed to construct a deepwater port in Burma on the understanding that the Chinese navy could have access to the port.
Now this means serious trouble on our EASTERN FLANK.
The Indian Army needs to seriously consider
Invading Burma and installing a Democratic
and Friendly Government there.
We need to TIME our actions Perfectly
Sometime during the Beijing Games when China's Eyes are else where Or when China is engaged with Taiwan.
A Lightning strike by Indian Army Units supported by Airpower and Naval units to the South.
The Indian Army needs to seriously think of forming a MARINE wing of half a million troops.

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