The problem with Bangladesh was that we withdrew our Army from there. We should have worked out an arrangement with Mujib where we handle defense and foreign affairs of Bangladesh while they concentrate on Parliamentary democracy and their economy. The same we have with Bhutan. It was foolish to release 90,000 Paki prisoners also. Anyway, Burmese are really fed up with the Military regime which has denied all freedom. What I want is this. We need Massive Indian Armed forces Presence on the Eastern flank. I want Indian Army to be 5 million strong with 18 Armoured *Tank* divisions Consisting of 9000 tanks 9 Alpine Divisions, with Specialized units who can operate in Winter conditions. 3 Paratroop divisions. 9 Motorized Infantry We need a special Desert force in the West called the Thar Corps which will consist of 5 of the Nine Armored divisions trained specially to fight in Desert Conditions. Half a Million MARINES who will work in Tandem with our Navy. Our Airforce should expand to be three times its current size. Our Navy needs a couple of Aircraft Carriers in addition to the one we have. We need a strong submarine force of 75-100 Submarines, 4 of which are Nuclear.
Once we Augment our forces like this no one will try to pull our tail.