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by JKP on Sep 07, 2007 06:55 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This Nayyar-Jayal words are their own which will not be that of Indian people in any case. Nobody expects they utter otherwise on Capitol Hill in front of Lt.Gen. Jacob. The whole things seems to validate the old saying -we bent our backbone in front of white sahib-.

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by Buggs Bunney on Sep 07, 2007 07:26 PM  Permalink
if not for the english this would not be the democratic republic of india, but still a moghul empire licking moghul a s s.

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by raj on Sep 07, 2007 08:24 PM  Permalink
well you can sit there and cry all you want.No matter how you twist and turn. Investment and Technology has to come from the West.And when disaster like Sunami strike we all need "White sahib. Be serious man.

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by JKP on Sep 07, 2007 09:35 PM  Permalink
hello poor raj
India had not accepted a single penny in the name Tsunami from West! Please update your news on International affairs. Of course we need help from other countries in many areas similar as they need our people (means skilled laboureres), our market (they always term it as -huge Indian market!-)and of course access to our resourses. Come on, straigten your thinking.

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by raj on Sep 08, 2007 01:53 AM  Permalink
Hello poor JKP I didnt say anywhere, India received $ from US when Tsunami hit. Did I? Bottom line is, just admit which is called interdependency. No matter how you dice it Investment and Tech has to come from the West and the US. Yes you right about market and resourses. YOU think some body is gonna do it for FREE? Which country does? CHINA?

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India truly great !!
by geo on Sep 07, 2007 06:44 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Did you know some of the greatest discoveries in the world were made in India?
Calculus, pi, trignometry and even small pox vaccination was first used in India.
Even the worlds oldest martial art is from India
Read more

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RE:India truly great !!
by raj on Sep 07, 2007 08:26 PM  Permalink
George you said this before . Anything more plz post it. Are you trying to connect Kalari with Karate? Can you back it up with facts.

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RE:India truly great !!
by imran patel on Sep 07, 2007 06:54 PM  Permalink
Cut the Crap...
What is the reality today...We are still a "Developing" Nation. Come out of this self-denial mode...

Yes, we have a lot of potential...But we are NOT Great.

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RE:India truly great !!
by RamRamRam on Sep 07, 2007 07:25 PM  Permalink
We will never be a great nation because..

We do not have courage to stand up against corruption. We have lost everything we had because we were living as slaves for last 700 years. The Basic infrastructure for knowledge transfer through the Guru-Shisya Parampara was cut down by the Moguls. All our wealth were looted by British. We lost both Knowledge and Wealth which are the key factors to be a leading nation.

The British has injected the poison of 'divide and rule' concept to the upper caste people who were controlling the masses. This has created lot of hatred and divisions within sects. Too many divisions is a bottleneck for development.

The current government also follows the same divide and rule policy. They will not allow the Hindus, Muslims and Christians to unite. Without Unity we can never become a great country. We will be still working as a modern slaves to Western Organizations. We need a great young leader with a vision for India. I am hoping such a leader will come soon and liberate us, until then we need to keep moving the wheel of development in slow pace.

Jai Hind...

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RE:RE:India truly great !!
by raj on Sep 07, 2007 10:12 PM  Permalink
Ram, Your points are well taken, but we have to come out of this excuses. World have changed since then. Major problem is Indians have to be more patriotic. Carrying RED FLAG(communist)and screaming slogans not going to help to build a nation. Look at our Asian brother, Japan, only nation on earth took the nuclear hit in history.Look at them now . it is a economic power house. How? Hard work & Patriotism. Ofcourse they got huge finacial help from the US. But Hard work put Japan as second economic power in the world. They have all kinds of Western investment. What is wrong in that? That make you slave? These kinds of narrow menatality and misunderstanding is not going to help to build a nation like India.

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RE:India truly great !!
by Sunit Kumar on Sep 07, 2007 06:53 PM  Permalink
geo, how long are u going to remain in 5000 BC, come out its 2000 ADs and here none of the inventions under the Indain Belt...(now dont count me some names)....take the meaning of what i have said, history is dead forget it...today is here use it !!

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by King of Kings on Sep 07, 2007 06:38 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Chinese Indian Trade Union ?????????

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by kraft on Sep 07, 2007 06:45 PM  Permalink
The sickening 80 Plus Crowd from Kolkatta. The symbol of Bengal's Backwardness1

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Peace in Kashmir...
by imran patel on Sep 07, 2007 06:23 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This is very common in Kashmir...I was also subjected to this Humiliation during my Trip in 2005. How do we expect the masses to be with India. Military is not the solution.

Srinagar, Sep 7: Policemen and paramilitary CRPF men cordoned off the busy Lal chowk area on Friday afternoon and subjected pedestrians to an identification parade, witnesses said.
They said CRPF men and cops sealed the exit points near Regal Chowk and near Ganta Ghar. Later pedestrians were asked to line up and prove their identity. Entire operation continued for nearly an hour. (GKNN)

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RE:Peace in Kashmir...
by raj on Sep 07, 2007 10:15 PM  Permalink
Mr.Imran patel . You heard of "Radical Isalamist" they put us in this postion.Imagine with out them?

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RE:Peace in Kashmir...
by Vishnu Sharma on Sep 07, 2007 11:11 PM  Permalink
Once we seal the LOC or Take back POK then
we can suspend all these checks and roadblocks and inspections.

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RE:Peace in Kashmir...
by MOHAN PYARE on Sep 07, 2007 06:55 PM  Permalink
In a disturbed area the security agencies have to check the identity of people to minimise the chances of teroor strikes. Government should issue ID cards to all the citizens and should advise everyone to be ready to produce the ID cards as when there is a check. Such checks are in the interest of the citizens. In China, if anybody wants to book a room in any hotel, a foreigner has to show his/her passport and a citizen has to show his/her citizenship card. It is mandatory.

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RE:Peace in Kashmir...
by Mouka Bihkari on Sep 07, 2007 07:05 PM  Permalink
Osama Bin Laden is India's best friend. gandhi and osama have a lot in common.

--- A gandhian

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RE:Peace in Kashmir...
by imran patel on Sep 07, 2007 07:09 PM  Permalink
Mr. Mohan Pyare,
That is called a "POLICE STATE". China is a COMMUNIST STATE. And I have give you many example where this "POLICE STATE" policy has failed.

Look at the effect. We are having random searches in Hyderabad as well. There was a 9/11 here in the US. Why is there no random checking ? There were acts of terrorism in London and Madrid. Why is there no random Checking ?

We need to ask ourselves these question. Random checking is like a Band-Aid that comes off very fast. It is not a strategic plan to combat terrorism.

I do not want Kashmiri Pundits to be staying in the slums, I want them to have the opportunity to come back to Kashmir. The ARMY needs to tighten the borders to prevent any infiltration.

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RE:RE:Peace in Kashmir...
by raj on Sep 07, 2007 10:35 PM  Permalink
India has lot to learn from Isreal. Both countries have lot in common.

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RE:Peace in Kashmir...
by Sunit Kumar on Sep 07, 2007 08:15 PM  Permalink
imran patel, you have point, i agree with your logic, it needs to be worked out by indian security egancies.

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RE:Peace in Kashmir...
by Dare on Sep 07, 2007 09:32 PM  Permalink
Imran-- You have sound logic.. The problem is transitioning to local police is easier said than done.. Kargil happened inspite of Indian Army guarding the borders.. The yearning for peace has to be dichotomous.. Not just Indian policy thinkers but also general Kashmiri population.. If the latter wants peace they want it as an independent state or with Paki (which is the distorted version we are getting because of ethnic cleansing and Paki nationals inflitrating our side), something India cannot agree. BTW, I dont agree with LOC as international border.. It is for now.. but should never be India's permamnetent position.. I do know that some PM, ploiticins are tinkering with that idea.. and all I can say is that is very denagerous at best.

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RE:Peace in Kashmir...
by meindian on Sep 07, 2007 06:43 PM  Permalink
indian soldiers are trying to do there job... wat u r trying to say in this

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RE:Peace in Kashmir...
by kraft on Sep 07, 2007 06:48 PM  Permalink
Imran appears to be wishing for the success of the terrorists belonging to his Religion!or else why he objects to the Police doing its duty?

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RE:RE:Peace in Kashmir...
by imran patel on Sep 07, 2007 06:52 PM  Permalink
That is the best you can come up with ?
It is because of this thinking that we cannot SOLVE a single problem...be it Kashmir or the North East. I advocate the same approach in the North East.

People like you and I sit in our offices and decide these policies. But the reality on the ground is totally different. We need to see the effect of policies on the common man affected. Not someone from Delhi/Mumbai/Pune/US...

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Peace in Kashmir...
by raj on Sep 07, 2007 10:23 PM  Permalink
Why you name US? MR. Imran Patel. By reading your opinion about Kashmir and adding US along with that shows you are a hard headed MUSLIM Radical. Let me tell you this . Once Isreali Prime minister said this,"All muslims are not terrorist but all terrorist are Muslims" Isn't that the truth. By the way as a democratic country ofcourse India will have good realation with its sister democracy. There is no way we Want India become "IRAN or your "Saudi". We are free people. Jai Hind

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RE:RE:RE:Peace in Kashmir...
by Deepak Gautam on Sep 07, 2007 07:19 PM  Permalink
Imran, I somehow think you have a thinking head. Now considering the situation of Sep 7 Srinagar (which you have pointed out in last msg), Can you suggest the best solution in the situation that security guys should have taken?

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RE:Peace in Kashmir...
by arun dudani on Sep 07, 2007 09:00 PM  Permalink
Hi All,
You are objecting to security men frisking up everybody in search of terrorists? I fail to understand why?
"I am a TERRORIST" is not written on anybody's forhead. I would rather submit to frisking and get late by one hour or two hours rather than reporting to chitragupta and yamraj to find out whether i am going to spend the rest of eternity in heaven or hell.

To others, it does not matters whether I am in India currently or outside. It does not make anybody any less Hindustani. Why security forces frisk people is just matter of common sense which thankfully is independent of location.

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RE:Peace in Kashmir...
by imran patel on Sep 07, 2007 07:33 PM  Permalink
We need police, but the police needs to be LOCAL, NOT THE CRPF. I am from Maharashtra. I am perfectly fine with having Maharshtra Police in our cities. But I will not be comfortable to see CRPF or the ARMY patrolling the streets. Here is what I recommend,

- We need to identify the LoC as the international border through our parliament
- Get international agreement and guarantees, and Pakistan will be the signatory to this UN resolution. There should be carrots (Trade) and sticks (Trade & Financial Embargo and also Military Options)
- IAF needs to STOP the border infiltration. Use the latest technology. Benchmark best practises from other countries. Move some villages if there is a need.
- Facilitate movement, but legally through immigration. That needs to be staffed and financed to make it effective.
- Kashmir police force needs to be trained in data collection, analysis and surgical operations. It has to have a KASHMIRI FACE, NOT someone from other states.
- Cut the Bureaucracy in the government systems. It is a big turn off. None of the government organizations in Kashmir are efficient. They are lazy and corrupt.

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RE:Peace in Kashmir...
by imran patel on Sep 07, 2007 06:49 PM  Permalink
Let me paraphase Thomas Jefferson, he said, people who compromise their liberty for security, end up loosing both.

This is NOT the job of the military...ARMY is designed for Border Protection from enemy nations or for an Invasion. It is not equipped and trained to combat millitant. Lets make that dinstinction. You do not use a Hammer for everything. You have a variety of other tools. We need a different approach. Military is a heavy handed approach which does more harm than good. It alienates the masses and no insurgency/militancy can be defeated without the support of the local masses.

Study the change of US tactics in IRAQ. Working with the locals...

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RE:Peace in Kashmir...
by Sunit Kumar on Sep 07, 2007 06:57 PM  Permalink
imran patel, with all due respect to your KASHMIRIYAT, can i ask you do u Kashmiri's ever think of the Pundits leaving in the slums of Delhi made homeless, ur right u compromised the liberty of the Pundits because u felt insecure and u lost it both, you cant be more right , congrats !!!

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RE:Peace in Kashmir...
by imran patel on Sep 07, 2007 07:18 PM  Permalink
I am not from Kashmir. And I am NOT a fan to Kashmir being an Independent country.

I do not want Kashmiri Pundits to be staying in the slums, I want them to have the opportunity to come back to Kashmir. The ARMY needs to tighten the borders to prevent any infiltration.

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Strenghten the Left? Big joke
by Bodh Ramdeo on Sep 07, 2007 05:48 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The 'Left' will be left behind in the dust as soon as the ignoramus masses become educated enough to see the them for what they are - traitors, creators of poverty, who have only contempt for the people, saying to them that they will never ever rise up out of their poverty, and must always depend n the Left for their existence. Hypocrites!

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RE:Strenghten the Left? Big joke
by kraft on Sep 07, 2007 06:43 PM  Permalink
There will be no Future Left for this country if
the Decadent Left Parties are not politically made irrelevant. No decent individual can associate with their destructive,bankrupt thirdrate,Hate philosophy.

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It will also strengthen the Left.
by Sahadevan KK on Sep 07, 2007 05:07 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It will also strengthen the Left.

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RE:It will also strengthen the Left.
by kraft on Sep 07, 2007 06:40 PM  Permalink
Yes Left is full of Morons[like Sahadevan],
Traitors and people who want to live without working [on other people's toil]by hoodwinking the ignorant Masses.

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RE:It will also strengthen the Left.
by MOHAN PYARE on Sep 07, 2007 07:00 PM  Permalink
If it will strengthen the left, the left leaders should be happy about it. Then why are they making a hue and cry?

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