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RE:Peace in Kashmir...
by imran patel on Sep 07, 2007 07:09 PM

Mr. Mohan Pyare,
That is called a "POLICE STATE". China is a COMMUNIST STATE. And I have give you many example where this "POLICE STATE" policy has failed.

Look at the effect. We are having random searches in Hyderabad as well. There was a 9/11 here in the US. Why is there no random checking ? There were acts of terrorism in London and Madrid. Why is there no random Checking ?

We need to ask ourselves these question. Random checking is like a Band-Aid that comes off very fast. It is not a strategic plan to combat terrorism.

I do not want Kashmiri Pundits to be staying in the slums, I want them to have the opportunity to come back to Kashmir. The ARMY needs to tighten the borders to prevent any infiltration.

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