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RE:Peace in Kashmir...
by Dare on Sep 07, 2007 09:32 PM

Imran-- You have sound logic.. The problem is transitioning to local police is easier said than done.. Kargil happened inspite of Indian Army guarding the borders.. The yearning for peace has to be dichotomous.. Not just Indian policy thinkers but also general Kashmiri population.. If the latter wants peace they want it as an independent state or with Paki (which is the distorted version we are getting because of ethnic cleansing and Paki nationals inflitrating our side), something India cannot agree. BTW, I dont agree with LOC as international border.. It is for now.. but should never be India's permamnetent position.. I do know that some PM, ploiticins are tinkering with that idea.. and all I can say is that is very denagerous at best.

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