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by Ashok S on Oct 29, 2007 04:37 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I see some people claiming Modi to be a terrorist. I only wish there were terrorists like Modi when the Muslim inmvaders invaded our country. Then we would never had the problem with this parasitic community.

Show me one country in this world having Muslim population and peace in that country. I bet you cannot!

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by Speaking Tree on Oct 29, 2007 04:47 PM  Permalink
100 percent correct.

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by Mohan Kumar on Oct 29, 2007 04:42 PM  Permalink
A man without a conscience, or one who suppresses his inner voice at the expense of justice is worse than a prostitute.

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by Ashok S on Oct 29, 2007 04:51 PM  Permalink
Great, so how much do you charge per hour?

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by Imran on Oct 29, 2007 04:45 PM  Permalink
People like u should test urself if you are really a human being. I don%u2019t support islam nor any religion but modi is a devil in human form and all those who support him are the same.If u are human pls act and think like one.

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by sssssssssssss sssssssssss on Oct 29, 2007 05:28 PM  Permalink
All the terrorists are Muslims but not all the muslims are terorists. Can you figure our any non-muslim terrorist on earth?

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by Mohan Kumar on Oct 29, 2007 05:36 PM  Permalink
Nathram Modi, Babu Bajrangi, RSS, VHP, BJP, Bajrang Dal, Shiv Sena!

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by sssssssssssss sssssssssss on Oct 29, 2007 05:26 PM  Permalink
I would like to have a Modi like terrorist leader for Hindus. I am ready to join with that that organisation in such a fantastic leadership.

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by amtpur on Oct 29, 2007 04:34 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I can see hatred against MODI and BJP. For Modi yes i too agree but what about Kashmir we Indians can't go their freely Hindus can't stay their.Why there is no comments on Kashmir and Congress. Congress is also destroyed India Before and After Independence.
Secular means not blaming hindu and kissing muslims and dalits

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by Naveen Babu on Oct 29, 2007 04:44 PM  Permalink
If an illiterate does a mistake we can forgive but if a literate does the mistake then he or she is a nuisance to humankind..... Many literates cannot identity what is secular.... Worse is even Hindus support congress in the name of secular....
When a cartoon was drawn on Mohammud prophet by a Christian then whole Muslim community went on a rampage%u2026when Ram was talked bad by a politician then we spineless Hindus did nothing%u2026. Indians are known to be of low self esteem.. this is an example. If we Hindus ourselves consider of religion great then who will consider it ??????? I am not a worshipper of Ram but when some one says bad about him I cant withstand%u2026.

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by Ashok S on Oct 29, 2007 04:38 PM  Permalink
You are right my friend. I see some people claiming Modi to be a terrorist. I only wish there were terrorists like Modi when the Muslim inmvaders invaded our country. Then we would never had the problem with this parasitic community.

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by Mohan Kumar on Oct 29, 2007 04:43 PM  Permalink
A man without a conscience, or one who suppresses his inner voice at the expense of justice is worse than a prostitute

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by Naveen Babu on Oct 29, 2007 04:46 PM  Permalink
People like you make and go to prostitute.

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by Mohan Kumar on Oct 29, 2007 04:49 PM  Permalink
Answer me one question. Have you not killed your conscience?

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by Naveen Babu on Oct 29, 2007 04:51 PM  Permalink
So you are a self proclaimed prostitute.

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by Balakumaran on Oct 29, 2007 04:46 PM  Permalink
Situation in Kashmir is different from Gujarat. Its the CM killing Hindus. Its terrorist with the support of ISI. What did BJP Govt did on Kashmir.

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Hapless Yadiyurappa
by on Oct 29, 2007 04:29 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Few days back, while addressing a crowded rally in MG Road, he asked his BJP supporters - "inmundee, prathidina pooje maaduvaaga JD(S) sathyaanaashvaagi hoogli antha aa deevaralli beedkolli" (Everyday, pray God to diminish JD(S))

Now, I don't know how he is going to form govt with "Diminished" party? Hopeless and Hapless politicis BJP leaders!!!
------india TV station . com

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RE:Hapless Yadiyurappa
by Joyee Funee on Oct 29, 2007 04:34 PM  Permalink
well its not yedurappa asking support but indeed JD-S is giving even after Yedurappa's comment on them

So this BJP's hands are up.

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RE:Hapless Yadiyurappa
by Ashok S on Oct 29, 2007 04:34 PM  Permalink

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RE:Hapless Yadiyurappa
by Raghavendra Rao on Oct 29, 2007 04:42 PM  Permalink
Counting days for BJP govt too i.e. re-election within 40 days as day by day JD(S) diminish.

Have fun BJP - Counting days. Dave gowda has pre-panned for someting.
Once gain Kumarswamy will come to power.

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RE:Hapless Yadiyurappa
by Ashok S on Oct 29, 2007 04:33 PM  Permalink
My friend,

Even congress party members tried to align with JD(S) and even now it has been mentioned that M.P.Prakash is trying to aling with Congress by using some rebel JD(S) MLA's.

Tell me, did you never fight with a friend and become friends again?

If it can happen with simple people like you and me, why not with people like Yediyurappa???

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Governor 's power
by siva kumar on Oct 29, 2007 04:24 PM  Permalink 

All politicians are irrespective of their party affiliations are opportunistic.They align with the same people whom they vehemently opposed during the election when they fall short of majority telling 'anything is possible in politics'.This itself is fooling the voters.

When there is any power struggle the supporting party always threatens the ruling combine with withdrawl of support and an element of instability is always present.To keep them cool ministerial bearths and other positions are given which itself is a bribery.
After that at their will the supporting party withdraws support and thrust elections on the people again making them fools.
This was done by Indira to Charan singh,Rajiv to Chandrasekar, Sitaram kesari to IK Gujral and this list is long.
Now why not to,a Governor, demand an undertaking from the supporting party that they will extend support for the full term ?
If any party withdraws support and force an election on the exchequer it should bear the official expenses of the Govt in conduction elections.
Then only the mockery of democracy done by our unpatriotic , selfish, crooked cunning politicians can be curbed.
Any support?

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by sneha agarwal on Oct 29, 2007 04:21 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

war, economic sanction against us, riots, genocide, fake encounters, communal hatred, stopping good projects/deals(like nuke) please vote BJPwar, economic sanction against us, riots, genocide, fake encounters, communal hatred, stopping good projects/deals(like nuke) please vote BJPwar, economic sanction against us, riots, genocide, fake encounters, communal hatred, stopping good projects/deals(like nuke) please vote BJPwar, economic sanction against us, riots, genocide, fake encounters, communal hatred, stopping good projects/deals(like nuke) please vote BJPwar, economic sanction against us, riots, genocide, fake encounters, communal hatred, stopping good projects/deals(like nuke) please vote BJPwar, economic sanction against us, riots, genocide, fake encounters, communal hatred, stopping good projects/deals(like nuke) please vote BJPwar, economic sanction against us, riots, genocide, fake encounters, communal hatred, stopping good projects/deals(like nuke) please vote BJPwar, economic sanction against us, riots, genocide, fake encounters, communal hatred, stopping good projects/deals(like nuke) please vote BJPwar, economic sanction against us, riots, genocide, fake encounters, communal hatred, stopping good projects/deals(like nuke) please vote BJPwar, economic sanction against us, riots, genocide, fake encounters, communal hatred, stopping good projects/deals(like nuke) please vote BJPwar, economic sanction against us, riots, genocide, fake encounters, communal hatred, stop

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by Mohan Kumar on Oct 29, 2007 04:23 PM  Permalink
BJP has lost whatever wee bit of credibility it had, because of Nathuram Modi. The whole world is spitting on the party now becoz of one anti social rowdy, goonda, mass murderer. I was an ardent BJP supporter. But I now have no political party in mind at all. It seems that the Congress is the alternative for me now. The very fact that BJP bigwigs have not thrown out the mass murderer is enough for conscious people like me to abandon the party. Such menial, low, cruel mass-murderers are still in BJP, and not even a word from the BJP leaders? What a shame!

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by siva kumar on Oct 29, 2007 04:28 PM  Permalink
Baseless meaning less criticism.
If Mode had done anything wrong the people will take care of him in the elections.
This type personal attack needs only to be condemned.

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by Mohan Kumar on Oct 29, 2007 04:44 PM  Permalink
A man without a conscience, or one who suppresses his inner voice at the expense of justice is worse than a prostitute

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by Naveen Babu on Oct 29, 2007 04:27 PM  Permalink
You need to change your name from Sneha to dushman....

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by Ashok S on Oct 29, 2007 04:30 PM  Permalink
Hi Naveen,

Sneha is actually Balakumaran...

See below


Vote for BJP and getting the following!!!
by Balakumaran on Oct 29, 2007 04:10 PM | Hide replies

war, economic sanction against us, riots, genocide, fake encounters, communal hatred, stopping good projects/deals(like nuke) please vote BJP.

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by Balakumaran on Oct 29, 2007 04:47 PM  Permalink
Hello, some one is using my script.

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by Mohan Kumar on Oct 29, 2007 04:16 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

BJP has lost all its credibility or whatever little of it that was left, because of Nathuram Modi. The whole world is spitting on the party now becoz of one anti social rowdy, goonda, mass murderer. I was an ardent BJP supporter. But I now have no political party in mind at all. It seems that the Congress is the alternative for me now. The very fact that BJP bigwigs have not thrown out the mass murderer is enough for conscious people like me to abandon the party. Such meanial, low, cruel mass-murderers are still in BJP, and not even a word from the BJP leaders? What a shame!

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by anantharaman venkatraman on Oct 29, 2007 04:19 PM  Permalink
you seem to be a terrorist

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by Mohan Kumar on Oct 29, 2007 04:20 PM  Permalink
Why do I seem to be a terrorist? Condemning a celebrated terrorist like Nathuram Modi is terrorism according to you?

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by sai manohar on Oct 29, 2007 04:26 PM  Permalink
You are terrorist

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by Sree. on Oct 29, 2007 04:28 PM  Permalink
you are in worng intensions.. they clippings showed by telhelka are just edited as per the requirement of congress... and also the first killing in gujarath happened with muslims burning coach full of hindus..it was not done by modi.. why dont you think about that...

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by Ashok S on Oct 29, 2007 04:28 PM  Permalink
You did not change your name to Mohammed Khan?

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by arungopal agarwal on Oct 29, 2007 04:33 PM  Permalink
Do not get excited Mr. Mohan, today politics is without any sensitivity.If Modi and his MLAs have done a crime, they must be punished. But Tehlka people must be hanged first, that such a very vital issue, they are telling to public for spreading communal voilence and hatred, rather they should have informed Centre to punish such people. Moreover these Tehlaka people earlier maligned Jeorge and Ms. Jaitley, no result so far. They may be doing all such to earn money and fame. They are not bothered whether country is under fire or not.

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by Shashikant Deshmukh on Oct 29, 2007 04:27 PM  Permalink
"I was an ardent BJP supporter. But I now have no political party in mind". It seems that the Congress is the original party you belong to what ever you have written is only farce, I think you ignored the mass murders committed by your original party during 1984 of Sikhs. Sajjan, makhan and titles still your mentors.
Certain acts are required for purification of society, which can,t be justified in socealist contry.

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