All politicians are irrespective of their party affiliations are opportunistic.They align with the same people whom they vehemently opposed during the election when they fall short of majority telling 'anything is possible in politics'.This itself is fooling the voters.
When there is any power struggle the supporting party always threatens the ruling combine with withdrawl of support and an element of instability is always present.To keep them cool ministerial bearths and other positions are given which itself is a bribery. After that at their will the supporting party withdraws support and thrust elections on the people again making them fools. This was done by Indira to Charan singh,Rajiv to Chandrasekar, Sitaram kesari to IK Gujral and this list is long. Now why not to,a Governor, demand an undertaking from the supporting party that they will extend support for the full term ? If any party withdraws support and force an election on the exchequer it should bear the official expenses of the Govt in conduction elections. Then only the mockery of democracy done by our unpatriotic , selfish, crooked cunning politicians can be curbed. Any support?