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by Naveen Babu on Oct 29, 2007 04:44 PM

If an illiterate does a mistake we can forgive but if a literate does the mistake then he or she is a nuisance to humankind..... Many literates cannot identity what is secular.... Worse is even Hindus support congress in the name of secular....
When a cartoon was drawn on Mohammud prophet by a Christian then whole Muslim community went on a rampage%u2026when Ram was talked bad by a politician then we spineless Hindus did nothing%u2026. Indians are known to be of low self esteem.. this is an example. If we Hindus ourselves consider of religion great then who will consider it ??????? I am not a worshipper of Ram but when some one says bad about him I cant withstand%u2026.

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BJP-JD-S submit MLAs letters of support