I can see hatred against MODI and BJP. For Modi yes i too agree but what about Kashmir we Indians can't go their freely Hindus can't stay their.Why there is no comments on Kashmir and Congress. Congress is also destroyed India Before and After Independence. Secular means not blaming hindu and kissing muslims and dalits
by Naveen Babu on Oct 29, 2007 04:44 PM Permalink
If an illiterate does a mistake we can forgive but if a literate does the mistake then he or she is a nuisance to humankind..... Many literates cannot identity what is secular.... Worse is even Hindus support congress in the name of secular.... When a cartoon was drawn on Mohammud prophet by a Christian then whole Muslim community went on a rampage%u2026when Ram was talked bad by a politician then we spineless Hindus did nothing%u2026. Indians are known to be of low self esteem.. this is an example. If we Hindus ourselves consider of religion great then who will consider it ??????? I am not a worshipper of Ram but when some one says bad about him I cant withstand%u2026.
by Ashok S on Oct 29, 2007 04:38 PM Permalink
You are right my friend. I see some people claiming Modi to be a terrorist. I only wish there were terrorists like Modi when the Muslim inmvaders invaded our country. Then we would never had the problem with this parasitic community.
by Mohan Kumar on Oct 29, 2007 04:43 PM Permalink
A man without a conscience, or one who suppresses his inner voice at the expense of justice is worse than a prostitute
by Balakumaran on Oct 29, 2007 04:46 PM Permalink
Situation in Kashmir is different from Gujarat. Its the CM killing Hindus. Its terrorist with the support of ISI. What did BJP Govt did on Kashmir.