Can anybody tell as to why, no place / country in the world where Islam is in majority or rule, never ever have any peace or real democracy, though East Asian countries like Malaysia, Indonesia etc. were exception, but those countries are coming under the clutches of Islamic criminals.
Once I carried a through discussion with a Muslim girl (though by heart, by look, by thinking she was absolutely not Muslim, rather highly educated, aristocrat, (which is impossible to find in any normal traditional Muslim girl), had thoroughly studied Islamic studies, and she confirmed in details that the very basic principles of Islam is based on criminal attitude, which advocates for inhuman activities, non-acceptance of pluralistic heterogeneous society, lusty treatment towards woman as commodity etc. (as PBUH, or Mohd has practiced and advocated).
Though the present behaviour of good percentage of Muslims confirms what my friend has confirmed and rest do not come against such criminality rather indirectly supports.
I would like to have the comments of readers, who can clarify, endorsed or negate my opinion.
RE:Request to all the readers
by GN on Nov 04, 2007 03:40 PM Permalink
I am against anybody woh is abusing other religion. We can find mistakes in every religion. I am very proud of being a Hindu. I only retaliate when somebody try to defame hinduism, not knowing even 1% of its great values.
As I dont like anybody else to comment on my religion, neither should we do comment on islam.
RE:Request to all the readers
by Gladiator on Nov 04, 2007 03:41 PM Permalink
Dont put the Bull Shit taught in RSS Shakas.. Let me list out the status of Women in Hinduism...
FEMALE INFANTICIDE: Female infanticide arose from the general Vedic attitude towards women. The large dowries prescribed by the Vedas (see the section of dowries below) meant that a girl was seen as a burden. The woman who gave birth to a daughter was ashamed, and much stigma attached to a lady who only gave birth to daughters. Hence infanticide arose as a convenient way of getting rid of the "burden."Aryan texts sanction this custom:
"Tasmat striyam jatam parasyanti ut pumamsam haranti"(Hence they reject a female child when born, and take up a male.) [Taitt. Samh. VI.5.10.3]
A recent U.N. report said that up to 50 million girls and women were missing from Indias population, the result of systematic discrimination extending to the abortion of female fetuses. [Verma 12.8.97] In 1921 there were more than 97 women for every 100 men in India. Seventy years later, the number dropped to 92.7 [Verma 12.8.97]
RE:RE:Request to all the readers
by An Indian on Nov 04, 2007 04:04 PM Permalink
I am neither misguided by any literature nor belong to any group etc.; rather I discussed the matter with my fried in the context of Islamic criminalities, terrorisms, killing etc. I have not sought any clarification or comparisons with any other people or community. Otherwise also in today%u2019s contest 99.9999999% criminality is from this community and that is world wide, and for that I need not to refer any Islamic literature, I am not challenging also. I do not find reason to waste my time for bogus, useless Islamic literature. I am concerned only about humanity, which is nothing to do with any so-called literature. In the present context, the ISLAM IS FOR CRIMINALS and CRIMINALS ARE FOR ISLAM, be it issuing so called FATWA, a joker like statement by jokers like advising the Indian soldier (Muslims) to fight with Pak soldier, only because they are also Muslims, though it is allowed in Muslim dominated countries.
What a mockery, logical reply is never received. Is it hypocrisy, criminal mentality or foolishness?
RE:Request to all the readers
by anant sethi on Nov 30, 2007 04:43 AM Permalink
It is very easy to make statements, find mistakes, play a blame game etc.; because it is very easy to do so. Why don't we start respecting each other by telling what we like in each other rather than telling what we don't?
A new born is not hindu, muslim, sikh or issai, the all mighty send all new born as humans. So think two times before we speak negative about any one. Start telling each other what we like, I am sure this will help you in all ways.
May Allah, Waheguru, Bhagwaan, Zeesus bless you all with happiness!! Long live humanity...!!
What I like in my Sikh friends: 1. They are very jolly and make you laugh all the times. 2. What ever status they have, they donate, work by hands and do all kinds of jobs at Gurudwara. May be you are a monk or minister you will sit in same row and have food.....Its wonderful.
What I like in hindu friends... 1. They are very open mind and have good sence of humor. 2. They adopt/adapt good things from others very easily.
What I like in my Muslim friends... 1. Their hospitality... 2. Their creativity...
What I liked in my Christian friends... 1. Their love & passion towards music. 2. Their broadmind thinking, openness and their living style (live life to max)
There are several religions in the world. Unfortunately I don't have many friends from other religions like Budhism, Jaininsm etc. etc. But does not mean that I do not respect or appreciate them. God bless you all
RE:Request to all the readers
by anant sethi on Nov 30, 2007 04:43 AM Permalink
It is very easy to make statements, find mistakes, play a blame game etc.; because it is very easy to do so. Why don't we start respecting each other by telling what we like in each other rather than telling what we don't?
A new born is not hindu, muslim, sikh or issai, the all mighty send all new born as humans. So think two times before we speak negative about any one. Start telling each other what we like, I am sure this will help you in all ways.
May Allah, Waheguru, Bhagwaan, Zeesus bless you all with happiness!! Long live humanity...!!
What I like in my Sikh friends: 1. They are very jolly and make you laugh all the times. 2. What ever status they have, they donate, work by hands and do all kinds of jobs at Gurudwara. May be you are a monk or minister you will sit in same row and have food.....Its wonderful.
What I like in hindu friends... 1. They are very open mind and have good sence of humor. 2. They adopt/adapt good things from others very easily.
What I like in my Muslim friends... 1. Their hospitality... 2. Their creativity...
What I liked in my Christian friends... 1. Their love & passion towards music. 2. Their broadmind thinking, openness and their living style (live life to max)
There are several religions in the world. Unfortunately I don't have many friends from other religions like Budhism, Jaininsm etc. etc. But does not mean that I do not respect or appreciate them. God bless you all
RE:Request to all the readers
by Prem Mohan on Nov 04, 2007 07:55 PM Permalink
In Asia, the following countries ard suffering from Islamic extremists: Philippines, Indonesia. Thailand, China, Russia, India and, of course, Pakistan and the Middle East. What is left?
RE:Request to all the readers
by Ismail Sayyed on Nov 04, 2007 03:43 PM Permalink
You are learning history from crap RSS books. Your brain is messed up. I suggest that you give up your accountant job, put on a saffron dhoti and go begging in Benares.
RE:RE:Request to all the readers
by An Indian on Nov 04, 2007 04:05 PM Permalink
I am neither misguided by any literature nor belong to any group etc.; rather I discussed the matter with my fried in the context of Islamic criminalities, terrorisms, killing etc. I have not sought any clarification or comparisons with any other people or community. Otherwise also in today%u2019s contest 99.9999999% criminality is from this community and that is world wide, and for that I need not to refer any Islamic literature, I am not challenging also. I do not find reason to waste my time for bogus, useless Islamic literature. I am concerned only about humanity, which is nothing to do with any so-called literature. In the present context, the ISLAM IS FOR CRIMINALS and CRIMINALS ARE FOR ISLAM, be it issuing so called FATWA, a joker like statement by jokers like advising the Indian soldier (Muslims) to fight with Pak soldier, only because they are also Muslims, though it is allowed in Muslim dominated countries.
What a mockery, logical reply is never received. Is it hypocrisy, criminal mentality or foolishness?
RE:RE:RE:Request to all the readers
by Prem Mohan on Nov 04, 2007 07:53 PM Permalink
You don't need to ask anyone. You can read the Koran for yourself and make up your own mind. The Koran is a clear book of guidance, easy for all to understand.
RE:Request to all the readers
by An Indian on Nov 05, 2007 01:12 PM Permalink
Prem Mohan, what a dirty mind, posting with misguided name a particular community
Though i m not supporting pakistan in anyway for a simple reason that i am an indian muslim.and any country who has an agenda against my country will not be supported by me neither will get sympathy from me . but Dont u think that pakistan is also inflicted by Terrorism. If Islam as a religion is spreading terrorism then who are terrorist killing pakistani Muslim ???? they should not just bcoz they also belong to same the point is its still happening bcoz they are not sparing muslims either which means they are not concerned about religous teachings !! they are more concerned about their political agenda. Taliban wants afganistan, Pakistani Terrorist wants kashmir,Iraqis wants iraq without US, Palestinians wants palestine..So to cut the story short. They are not imposing Islam on others, they want their Political Identity but at the cost of Innocent lives, which is a wrong method and they will never succeed in this. Allah dont Support those who kill innocent people or try to bring unrest in the society..
RE:RE:Terrorism is Politically Motivated!!
by anant sethi on Nov 30, 2007 04:42 AM Permalink
It is very easy to make statements, find mistakes, play a blame game etc.; because it is very easy to do so. Why don't we start respecting each other by telling what we like in each other rather than telling what we don't?
A new born is not hindu, muslim, sikh or issai, the all mighty send all new born as humans. So think two times before we speak negative about any one. Start telling each other what we like, I am sure this will help you in all ways.
May Allah, Waheguru, Bhagwaan, Zeesus bless you all with happiness!! Long live humanity...!!
What I like in my Sikh friends: 1. They are very jolly and make you laugh all the times. 2. What ever status they have, they donate, work by hands and do all kinds of jobs at Gurudwara. May be you are a monk or minister you will sit in same row and have food.....Its wonderful.
What I like in hindu friends... 1. They are very open mind and have good sence of humor. 2. They adopt/adapt good things from others very easily.
What I like in my Muslim friends... 1. Their hospitality... 2. Their creativity...
What I liked in my Christian friends... 1. Their love & passion towards music. 2. Their broadmind thinking, openness and their living style (live life to max)
There are several religions in the world. Unfortunately I don't have many friends from other religions like Budhism, Jaininsm etc. etc. But does not mean that I do not respect or appreciate them. God bless you all
RE:Terrorism is Politically Motivated!!
by Prem Mohan on Nov 04, 2007 07:51 PM Permalink
By simply being a polytheist, do I bring unrest to society? What is your view?
British manuplated & thrown unwilling nations to wolves(Pakistani establishment) . These wolves further exploited & oppressed these nations . Now what see is reaction. These nations are very uneasy & wants desperatly to free from these wolves.
by GN on Nov 04, 2007 03:30 PM Permalink
You forgot karunanidhi ? Gowda ? Some roles have to be reserved for Dawood, Chotta Rajan.
RE:salman rushdie
by Ismail Sayyed on Nov 04, 2007 03:31 PM Permalink
All those trying to blame the muslims and Islam I have a simple question. How do you plan to convert 28% population of the world to another religion. By abuse? :-) If you have some better ideology to offer then go to those people and explain them your ideology. How are you going to make any difference by posting hate here ? In the time I needed to write this post 100 new muslims were do you plan to convert people ? Islam has never seen mass conversions as hinduism. When people are leaving your religion in thousands how can you be worried about some other religion? Is like when your own house is on fire you are worried about the fire in the neighbours house. By 2020 Islam would be the most followed religion in the world. Every third person would be a muslim. Your children will be in touch with the muslims more than ever before...So to protect your ideology you have to work in your ranks. The more you get involved in hate mongering the more you leave your own house unprotected.... Those people who left hinduism to convert to Buddhism in front of national TV were not forced by any muslim to convert. These might just be the initial waves out of hinduism the biggest waves of conversion out of hinduism might be round the corner because the educated hindus are busy abusing muslims and people from their community are leaving hinduism from the backdoor to merge with buddhism.
Talk about today. Whole villages are converting to other religions... Nothing has been done
RE:RE:salman rushdie
by amol choudhary on Nov 04, 2007 03:57 PM Permalink
Buddy the real reason for Islams population growth is to get 4 wives and lage raho din raat. Even if u don't have a piece of cloth to cover ur body, the ALLAH KI DEN should go on and on. U people r a shit on the whole world.
india politicans were good becauz they were hindu fought with british spent years in jails, they had a vision, jinna din even spend a single day in jail,he was fighting for muslims not for independence,there were nationalistic muslims like maulana abul kalam,khan abdul gafar khan, asif ali but why would they listen to such forward thinking people?islam teaches fanatism & hate so it reaps the same.any way pakistan n islam r gone. :::::: Visit R e l i a n c e P o w e r . ~c~ o~ m~ For New Happenings in India's Power Sector ::::
Its our neighbour, If there is a problem there should be a solution, leaders should find the solution to clear the problems of the people of pakistan. Emergency can be for Timewhile but not a permanent way to. We will forget our religions, Indian Muslim or Pak Muslim. Terrorism - How it happens (Caste, Religion, Money, and other facts), Let it be. Find the way now to keep peace in pakistan. If our Neighbour is Fine - You will be also Fine
by Selvam on Nov 04, 2007 11:14 PM Permalink
Well said Mr.Sainagaraj the quotation is good. At present everybody should realise "If our neighbour is fine-We will be fine". Let Peace prevail in Pak.
Karuna has many wives and many children, but among them all, Stalin, Azhagiri and CannyMozhi are the chosen ones for the thrones...
But problem is that Azhagiri wants to become CM since he is elder, but Stalin is already promised CM post. CannyMozhi is a cunning fox and has bigger dreams, she wants to become the Prime Minister of INdia.
The three will now use the meanest and most shameful tricks to come to power.. Just imagine what happens when someone like Azhagiri becomes the CM of TN, then even Pakistan will look to be a better place.
PS - for those who dont know, Azhagiri is a big goonda son of Yellow towel... he is running his own parallel mafia in southern TN.
by anant sethi on Nov 30, 2007 04:37 AM Permalink
It is very easy to make statements, find mistakes, play a blame game etc.; because it is very easy to do so. Why don't we start respecting each other by telling what we like in each other rather than telling what we don't?
Think on one base ant that is humanity. A new born is not hindu, muslim, sikh or issai, the all mighty send all new born as humans. So think two times before we speak negative about any one. Start telling each other what we like, I am sure this will help you in all ways.
May Allah, Waheguru, Bhagwaan, Zeesus bless you all with happiness!! Long live humanity...!!
What I like in my Sikh friends: 1. They are very jolly and make you laugh all the times. 2. What ever status they have, they donate, work by hands and do all kinds of jobs at Gurudwara. May be you are a monk or minister you will sit in same row and have food.....Its wonderful.
What I like in hindu friends... 1. They are very open mind and have good sence of humor. 2. They adopt/adapt good things from others very easily.
What I like in my Muslim friends... 1. Their hospitality... 2. Their creativity...
What I liked in my Christian friends... 1. Their love & passion towards music. 2. Their broadmind thinking, openness and their living style (live life to max)
There are several religions in the world. Unfortunately I don't have many friends from other religions like Budhism, Jaininsm etc. etc. But does not mean that I do not respect or appreciate them. God bless you all