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Request to all the readers
by An Indian on Nov 04, 2007 03:36 PM

Can anybody tell as to why, no place / country in the world where Islam is in majority or rule, never ever have any peace or real democracy, though East Asian countries like Malaysia, Indonesia etc. were exception, but those countries are coming under the clutches of Islamic criminals.

Once I carried a through discussion with a Muslim girl (though by heart, by look, by thinking she was absolutely not Muslim, rather highly educated, aristocrat, (which is impossible to find in any normal traditional Muslim girl), had thoroughly studied Islamic studies, and she confirmed in details that the very basic principles of Islam is based on criminal attitude, which advocates for inhuman activities, non-acceptance of pluralistic heterogeneous society, lusty treatment towards woman as commodity etc. (as PBUH, or Mohd has practiced and advocated).

Though the present behaviour of good percentage of Muslims confirms what my friend has confirmed and rest do not come against such criminality rather indirectly supports.

I would like to have the comments of readers, who can clarify, endorsed or negate my opinion.

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