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RE:RE:Request to all the readers
by An Indian on Nov 04, 2007 04:04 PM

I am neither misguided by any literature nor belong to any group etc.; rather I discussed the matter with my fried in the context of Islamic criminalities, terrorisms, killing etc. I have not sought any clarification or comparisons with any other people or community. Otherwise also in today%u2019s contest 99.9999999% criminality is from this community and that is world wide, and for that I need not to refer any Islamic literature, I am not challenging also. I do not find reason to waste my time for bogus, useless Islamic literature. I am concerned only about humanity, which is nothing to do with any so-called literature. In the present context, the ISLAM IS FOR CRIMINALS and CRIMINALS ARE FOR ISLAM, be it issuing so called FATWA, a joker like statement by jokers like advising the Indian soldier (Muslims) to fight with Pak soldier, only because they are also Muslims, though it is allowed in Muslim dominated countries.

What a mockery, logical reply is never received. Is it hypocrisy, criminal mentality or foolishness?

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