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congrats pakis
by kasak on Mar 03, 2007 05:33 PM  Permalink 

congrats man we indians ur neighbours are proud of your countrys acheivements. keep on rocking missiles like this.and also keep on sending sweet chubby terrorists and isi agents to kashmir & various parts of our country.keep on gunning down innocents and our army men in kashmir man . then obviously ur political leaders will express their sorrow.wow what a game it is. keep rocking dudes.our political leaders are nothing to do expect to watch the great bomb blasts u guys doin all around india.

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What the hell is going on.
by suresh vaggannavar on Mar 03, 2007 05:28 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Pakis your simply wasting ur money as well as time, whats the use of testing missiles, everyone knows what capable u people, recollect ur memories of 1971 and KARGIL WAR, AB TO SUDAR JAAO PAKISTAN KE SUVARO.

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RE:RE:RE:What the hell is going on.
by MS on Mar 03, 2007 09:36 PM  Permalink
which 55 crores u r talking about?....when country was divided so was the economy... u didnt give it.....it was our rightful share

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RE:RE:RE:RE:What the hell is going on.
by Kaushik Das on Mar 03, 2007 09:37 PM  Permalink

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:What the hell is going on.
by MS on Mar 03, 2007 09:48 PM  Permalink
why shouldn't the economy be divided?
british took power from muslims so logically we should have got the whole economy and power as well....where did u come in the picture,

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:What the hell is going on.
by Kaushik Das on Mar 03, 2007 10:13 PM  Permalink
What is the difference between abdali and osama? Both were terrorists who took help from traitors wherever they went.

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RE:RE:What the hell is going on.
by Mahesh Nair on Mar 03, 2007 08:51 PM  Permalink
hahahahahahaha ..
Its very obvious for any to one to see ... as to who is really humiliated here. Please accept our sympathies. You are on the wrong web site, buddy. How long will you fight alone - and that too a losing battle!

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RE:RE:RE:RE:What the hell is going on.
by Kaushik Das on Mar 03, 2007 09:27 PM  Permalink
Maybe, if it inspires us that much, we would have made an idol of it.
At least we don't follow a stolen religion - we don't need to destroy other places of worship to erect ours - we lack the inferiority complex of yours, you see.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:What the hell is going on.
by Kaushik Das on Mar 03, 2007 10:02 PM  Permalink
Exactly. We select our form of god based on our inspiration - what's wrong with that?
Unlike you, we don't force someone to worship a particular form (less) of god in a particular manner.
PS: Hinduism is a monotheistic religion. We have ONE God with many forms. But that does not mean that worshipping multiple gods is wrong. After all, infinity infinity ... ... ... = infinity itself. Think about it.
We do not restrict our God by disallowing Him to have a form or even multiple forms.

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paki missile??
by nitin gupta on Mar 03, 2007 04:37 PM  Permalink 

congrats to pakistaan on firing an 'afghan named' missile.. after all it is being made for the afghan trained terrorists only.. so they will feel at home while using it.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Those muslims who thinks they have been abused in India
by rais aalum on Mar 03, 2007 04:53 PM  Permalink
nirender modi for ghodra khand, advani for babri masjid massacar ect any hting more... i will give u further list..

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can't make enough onions for itself
by INDIAN on Mar 03, 2007 04:22 PM  Permalink 

Pakistan can't make enough onions for itself,



Nothing can it make.

If at all Pakistani fires a missle , it will have to mention on the missle that this missle is for India and has to land in India, becoz when it will fire from Krachi it will go elsewhere other than india may be to China and then chinese after reading the label, they will send to India, becoz Chinese Mal hai bhai - kuch pata nahi chalega ya nahin.

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These Paki names!
by Jaganniwas Iyer on Mar 03, 2007 04:17 PM  Permalink 

A state that can't produce even an original name boasting of 'indigenous development' of missiles. This is certainly a laugh, a good one. The only 'indigenous' things Pakistan is capable of are lying, perfidy, stealing, smuggling, narco-terrorism, terrorist gangs, madrasaas, et all.
Jaganniwas Iyer

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Chinese nuclear weapons and North Korean missiles do not need any further testing.
by Deepak Mohanty on Mar 03, 2007 04:05 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

China has let loose two monkeys. One won't get off our back and the other won't get off the backs of Japan, South Korea and the US.

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RE:Chinese nuclear weapons and North Korean missiles do not need any further testing.
by Golden on Mar 03, 2007 05:11 PM  Permalink
and both take you bitterly right, one from back and other from top...
now go and support west, you will receive more replies like this.
and why curse china. what china has to do with US. you should be thankful to china as because of it only US has never been able to set any base near china and india and pakistan.

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RE:RE:Chinese nuclear weapons and North Korean missiles do not need any further testing.
by Mars on Mar 03, 2007 07:28 PM  Permalink
Golden monkey bola....dekho jali hui g*?d wala monkey...

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RE:RE:Chinese nuclear weapons and North Korean missiles do not need any further testing.
by Mars on Mar 03, 2007 07:29 PM  Permalink
What is Pakistan doing ? Dancing on tunes of US and west. Ha ha ha ...golden monkey...dekh le....

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RE:RE:Chinese nuclear weapons and North Korean missiles do not need any further testing.
by Mars on Mar 03, 2007 07:31 PM  Permalink
Begging for aid from US and UN....doing missile and nuclear test....

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RE:RE:Chinese nuclear weapons and North Korean missiles do not need any further testing.
by Kaushik Das on Mar 03, 2007 07:20 PM  Permalink
I agree with this point but pakistan still is a little less capable than India (if you exclude the Indian help it gets)

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RE:Chinese nuclear weapons and North Korean missiles do not need any further testing.
by senthil kumar on Mar 03, 2007 04:33 PM  Permalink
Deepak, pakistan is doing quality checking.Pakistan may try to become leader of muslim country.But they can never have the capability of fight with single state in india.

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RE:RE:Chinese nuclear weapons and North Korean missiles do not need any further testing.
by Golden on Mar 03, 2007 05:12 PM  Permalink
good dream. wake up man...

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Missile test no threat to India
by Rocky on Mar 03, 2007 04:05 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Everyone has to understand that this missile test should not be taken as a threat since we have more advanced and sophisticated weapons than Pak. And Pakistan also know that it will be wiped off the map if it uses any nuclear device against India. No panic absolutely.....

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RE:Missile test no threat to India
by Golden on Mar 03, 2007 05:13 PM  Permalink
yes you are right and now it is time for india to know that if they do andything they too will be wiped off the map...
indians are good in bursting baloons....

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RE:RE:Missile test no threat to India
by Jai Shewaramani on Mar 03, 2007 05:55 PM  Permalink
Golden, why do you dream? Wiping off India off the map will never be possible. Everyone knows that if all Indians pee at the border at the same time, Pakistan will be flooded and probably be covered for centuries to come. Anyways, India is more capable in terms of nuclear weapons and war strategies. So I don't think it's India who has to worry about being wiped off the map. Pakistan on the other hand, has to has to be careful, I don't think the US dollars they get for curbing (encouraging) terrorism or Bush or the World bank will support them if the rage a war against India. So if you think if India can be wiped off the map by Pakistan, you need to grow up and start thinking in terms of the real world, where the reality is way different than you dream it.

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RE:RE:Missile test no threat to India
by harish talekar on Mar 03, 2007 05:57 PM  Permalink
Mr. Golden s0ab, please wake up from ur fairytales and stop believing your grandma and grandpa's srories that pakistan is more powerful that india.. if u dont use nuclear bomb, then pakistan will return to stone age very soon... the whole world knows who is good and who is bad... its not a secret anymore, just becoz usa and china are throwing biscuits, does not mean they don't know ur sh1t in the backyard...they doin it for their own vested interest... I am afraid after mushy, Pakistan will be attacked as there will be WMD in the hands of terrorists which will be dangerous to usa as well... Wait till a time when the whole world (except china and N.korea) will be against u and after capture... ur land will be givin to the poor and the needy of the world.

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RE:RE:Missile test no threat to India
by Mars on Mar 03, 2007 07:36 PM  Permalink
...4 times u have lost...and still dreaming to fight...if we Indains pee on border pakistan will be flooded....so start buying boats....golden monekey..chal nach american dance...

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RE:Missile test no threat to India
by Deepak Mohanty on Mar 03, 2007 04:38 PM  Permalink
I wish your assertion were true. Pakistan is being assisted in its missile program by both China and North Korea. North Korean missiles trace their origin to the USSR and China.

Early Pakistani missiles were based on or were rebadged North Korean missiles. The later iterations are superior to their Indian counterparts because the guidance system has improved a lot on account of technology infusion by the Chinese. The CEPs of the Prithvi class missiles is nothing to write home about.

The quarter century old IGMDP program has managed to produce some sub-standard missiles. The need of the hour is to scrap the doddering DRDO and foster a home grown Lockheed Martin. The company should be globally competitive and should prove to be a magnet for top talent.

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RE:RE:Missile test no threat to India
by Golden on Mar 03, 2007 05:16 PM  Permalink
wow.. another day dreamer...
keep dreaming and put your head in the sand thinking typhoon will not hurt you.
perhaps you dont know that chinese bought MIG19 and modified it make shenyang. then sold this shenyang to pakistan. this shenyang proved to be more deadly than mig-19 and mig-21 and shot down so many migs during indo-pak war...
simply day dreaming will not solve any problem...
yes it will give you temporary relief... keep up. pakistanis will be happy to see you day dreamers.

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RE:RE:RE:Missile test no threat to India
by Mars on Mar 03, 2007 07:34 PM  Permalink
Golden monkey...pilots fly planes...do you have it or you will pilots also from China???

Except terroism there is nothing genuine which you can claim for yourself. You paki.

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RE:RE:RE:Missile test no threat to India
by Deepak Mohanty on Mar 03, 2007 11:17 PM  Permalink
My friend, do not invent the facts. Pakistan used Chinese and American make aircraft against India in the 1971 war and was soundly thrashed. Pakistan was decimated despite having superior aircraft and almost comparable numbers.

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