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RE:Missile test no threat to India
by Deepak Mohanty on Mar 03, 2007 04:38 PM

I wish your assertion were true. Pakistan is being assisted in its missile program by both China and North Korea. North Korean missiles trace their origin to the USSR and China.

Early Pakistani missiles were based on or were rebadged North Korean missiles. The later iterations are superior to their Indian counterparts because the guidance system has improved a lot on account of technology infusion by the Chinese. The CEPs of the Prithvi class missiles is nothing to write home about.

The quarter century old IGMDP program has managed to produce some sub-standard missiles. The need of the hour is to scrap the doddering DRDO and foster a home grown Lockheed Martin. The company should be globally competitive and should prove to be a magnet for top talent.

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Pak test-fires N-capable missile