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RE:RE:Missile test no threat to India
by harish talekar on Mar 03, 2007 05:57 PM

Mr. Golden s0ab, please wake up from ur fairytales and stop believing your grandma and grandpa's srories that pakistan is more powerful that india.. if u dont use nuclear bomb, then pakistan will return to stone age very soon... the whole world knows who is good and who is bad... its not a secret anymore, just becoz usa and china are throwing biscuits, does not mean they don't know ur sh1t in the backyard...they doin it for their own vested interest... I am afraid after mushy, Pakistan will be attacked as there will be WMD in the hands of terrorists which will be dangerous to usa as well... Wait till a time when the whole world (except china and N.korea) will be against u and after capture... ur land will be givin to the poor and the needy of the world.

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Pak test-fires N-capable missile