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The Judge was quite fair in hios sentencing.
by Rahil Modi on Jul 31, 2007 08:40 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I believe its a fair decision considering some of the decisions the other convits have recieved. The judge was fair in pointing out that it was just not the act of possessing a fire arm but also in convincing others to help him destroy it which is also a crime. The judge also was right in pointing out that Dutt was in constant touch with Mr Ibrahim and had attended Dawoods Party knowing very well who they were. And guys possesing a fire arm is different and possessing a AK-56 is different. Its a weapon of mass distruction a purely offensive weapon. Also Mr Dutt was somewhat aware of what was being conspired with regards to the bomb blast and yet did nothing about it. Imagine how many lives could have been saved if the police would have been informed about this possible scenario.
I feel sorry for Mr Dutt as what he did was in his reckless young days of drinking and drug addiction but a crimes a crime and the law is the same for everyone.
But we will agree that the Mr Dutt who commited the crimes and the one going to prison for em are 2 completely different individuals , cause the earlier sentence had done its part in reforming the guy into the Dutt we know today.
I just hope Mr. Dutt has the will power to sail through these rough times and emerge a more accomplished man. May he have the wisdom to emerge throught it all victorious.

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RE:The Judge was quite fair in hios sentencing.
by faiz siddiqui on Jul 31, 2007 08:46 PM  Permalink
The real master minds behind the riots and the bomb blast are enjoying the %u2018deathly%u2019 drama they unleashed on the country from the comfort of there homes. If the law just gets cronies and leaves out the real goons and politicians than thatz just waiting for trouble to happen again. Their are those above the law and these guys are the main culprits.

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sanjay dutt:a victim of circumstances
by Sunita Chatterjee on Jul 31, 2007 08:39 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

If Sanjay Dutt is getting six years RI for illegal possession of arms, why not this so-called Dr. Haneef, the hero to our governments ? A sim card is much more a danger than an AK-56 rifle.
Nonetheless I do not know why Sanjay Dutt has to be so friendly with Muslims who are known criminals. Isnt it a reckless mind set similar to what Haneef has been accused of.
A brilliant actor, I wish Supreme Court give him bail.

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RE:sanjay dutt:a victim of circumstances
by Saccha Hindustani on Jul 31, 2007 08:54 PM  Permalink
Sunia, Its just like using Sunita and Bangali on same wave length! Why don't you bring your mental level up so that you can understand INDIA's dirty politics! you cheap bangali crap!

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RE:sanjay dutt:a victim of circumstances
by Sunita Chatterjee on Jul 31, 2007 09:04 PM  Permalink
Dear Sachha Hindustani,
It is quite obvious you are a brainless creature. Anyway the word is not Bangali, it is Bengali. And I am not a Bengali.

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RE:RE:sanjay dutt:a victim of circumstances
by Partha Choudhury on Jul 31, 2007 09:22 PM  Permalink
Dear Sunita, Bengalis call themselves Bangali. That last name of Chatterjee is wasted on you. You sound teh like the Hindu counterpart of taliban.

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RE:RE:sanjay dutt:a victim of circumstances
by Rana Kamdev on Jul 31, 2007 09:26 PM  Permalink
It is BONG.

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RE:sanjay dutt:a victim of circumstances
by Bankey Bihari on Jul 31, 2007 09:29 PM  Permalink
From Now on, Chattterji, Banerjee, Mukherji etc will be called as Punjabis-?

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RE:sanjay dutt:a victim of circumstances
by Saccha Hindustani on Jul 31, 2007 09:31 PM  Permalink
you are one of them who gave Mr. Sourav GANGULY heroic welcome even when entire INDIA was in complete silenece! You can call yourself Bangali/Bengali/Bongali or best would be TRAITOR!

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RE:sanjay dutt:a victim of circumstances
by Rana Kamdev on Jul 31, 2007 09:25 PM  Permalink
What about meeting with Dawood in Dubai-?
What about disposal of AK-56-?
You idiot think this reckless mind set.

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RE:sanjay dutt:a victim of circumstances
by GK on Jul 31, 2007 08:50 PM  Permalink
Why u bringing religion into all this?? U mean to say Sanjay Dutt shud end his friendship with Shahrukh Khan, Salman Khan and other MUSLIMS of the industry. And wot abt Dilip Kumar (Yusuf Khan) and Saira Banu - other MUSLIMS - who have been with Dutts in all the bad times... It will be better for India if we start using word MUSLIM and TERRORISTS separately.

I too wish Supreme Court to show some leniency considering the changed man Sanjay Dutt is since 1993 and the good work he has done for the society since then.

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RE:sanjay dutt:a victim of circumstances
by faiz siddiqui on Jul 31, 2007 08:57 PM  Permalink
itz not their fault that zome people are communal. the real culpritz are thoze who are above the law and who have damaged the pzyche of zo many of uz. but their iz hope that thiz damage iz purhapz not permenant.

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RE:sanjay dutt:a victim of circumstances
by on Jul 31, 2007 09:10 PM  Permalink
Keeping a licensed revolver for self protection is perfectly legal under law. you cannot extend this rationale and keep bazookas, rocket launchers and AK 56 with you this is plain illegal. When Munna committed this offence he was 32 and at 32 u are considered to be mature unless u are mentally challenged so feigning innocence and saying that he aint aware of what he was upto is crappy to say the least. Mind you when most of them convicted (muslims included) have been given double death sentences and this includes women too then why on earth must this guy be let off the hook? just because he propagated some gandhigiri? comeon gimme something else....forget hero worship and think maturely....

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Possession of Arms
by free man on Jul 31, 2007 08:38 PM  Permalink 

Like this we should punish politicians and others who illegally keep ak57 and other rifles.You can see such news in channels where leaders firing bullets into air for celebration.

This depends on action of police and govt

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Sanjay Dutt
by Ayub Shaikh on Jul 31, 2007 08:36 PM  Permalink 

Only because Sanjay Dutt was found with Weapon and attended Don dinner party his term has been awarded to him is very wrong. All knows how many peoples are involved in such acts.

Moreover with this weapons how many people he has killed ? He would have serve better to the society if given probation.

Very wrong. Must try in supreme court.

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by faiz siddiqui on Jul 31, 2007 08:34 PM  Permalink 

The real master minds behind the riots and the bomb blast are enjoying the %u2018deathly%u2019 drama they unleashed on the country from the comfort of there homes. If the law just gets cronies and leaves out the real goons and politicians than thatz just waiting for trouble to happen again. Their are those above the law and these guys are the main culprits.

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Sanjay Dutt jail term
by kv sastri on Jul 31, 2007 08:30 PM  Permalink 

It looks in this country, still some independence is there for Judiciary to act fearlessly and firmly. Eventhough, Executive wing of the Democratic system is shown as parallel to political wing, Executive wing has surrendered their independence to Poilitical wing. This is not so with Judiciary. This is a good sign.
Venkateswara Sastry . K

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by aritra roy on Jul 31, 2007 08:38 PM  Permalink
what kind of an idiot are you???u don't find other places to talk about Ipods?

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Too Harsh
by Ram Chauthariya on Jul 31, 2007 08:26 PM  Permalink 

Sentence is too harsh for possessing a firearm. What was the judge thinking?

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